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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Success Declaration of Independence

by Doug Firebaugh

MLM Success Declaration of Personal Independence is a declaration of Success for all Network Marketers, and declares that that It Is Time for Success to become the Dominating Force and Focus in your life, and your future. Many people today simply do not understand that Success can be obtained in life, whether MLM or any other entrepreneurial enterprise. This is" drawing a line in the sand, " and saying "Enough is Enough!" Negative thinking will only produce a negative life, and that is NOT what you want for your future and life. Declare today that you WILL Succeed and nothing or no one will stop you. PERIOD.

MLM Success Declaration of Independence
~ for Network Marketing ~

When, in the course of human events in MLM and Network Marketing, it becomes necessary for a person to dissolve the stifling and limiting bonds and chains which have connected them with other people's thinking and limitations, and to assume among the powers of the earth, that God intended all men to be Successful, and that it is their right for existence. It is necessary that others have a decent respect to the opinions of those who think and feel differently and want to create a better life for their family through Network Marketing, and requires that they should declare the causes which compel them to take a different path in life, a different thinking during the day, and a different expectation of the future. That is every Network Marketer's right, and privilege.

We hold these truths to be obvious, that all men are created for Success in life, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Success rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of a future that includes Financial Independence, Freedom, and Options that most will never have in their life. That to secure these rights, non-traditional options for Success are created, deriving their Success Power from those who choose to walk that alternative Path of Victory and Success. That whenever anyone's thinking and limitations becomes destructive to another's future, it is the right of the people to abolish the influence of that negative thinking, and to institute new thoughts and expectations for their life, laying its foundation on such principles as positive and optimistic focus, and CAN DO expectations for Success.

But when a long train of abuses in negative thinking and influence occurs, it is the MLM Distributor's right, it is their duty, to throw off such Thinking and Negative Expectations, and to provide new Thinking and Expectations for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the Network Marketer, and such is now the necessity to alter their former Influence and Negative Associations. The history from other people of their Negative thinking, negative words, and negative influence must come to a stop and must come to a stop NOW. Because of these Limiting, Negative, and Restricting Conditions:

  • I declare that Negatives are no longer accepted as a part, or any part of my thinking or thought process in Network Marketing. It can no longer be tolerated and will be eradicated.
  • I declare that Limitations are for people who want to limit their life, and my life shall never again be limited by any thought, expectation, situation, challenge, group, individual, philosophy, writings, or insight. It is my God given right to succeed in life, and I will walk in that right, and not be left behind,
  • I declare that all things in my MLM business are possible and will not be shaken by other people's misguided, misshapen, mishandled, misinterpreted, misinformed, and mistaken Success Strangling views which I no longer will participate in.
  • I declare that negative people are to be loved, and to be appreciated as for who they are, but no longer listened to, nor taken seriously in the light of the Success Path I have chosen in Network Marketing.
  • I declare that I have the Talent, Strength, Power, Gifting's, Resolve, Thinking, Determination, Personality, Focus, and Actions that will produce and create the Success I seek in MLM. All other differing opinions are wasted words, wishful thinking, whining winds, and worrisome pander.
  • I declare that Success is already a part of my life, and I just need to walk in that Success, not walk in the Struggle that many people have tried to chain me to, in my thinking, expectations, and actions. I choose CHANGE, not their chains.
  • I declare that I was Born for More, and Destined for Greatness. I will have more in my life. More time, more freedom, more income, more happiness, more joy, more security, and more Life in my Living, so help me God.
  • I declare that anything that will try to hinder me, I will go over it, under it, around it, or through it, but I will not be denied in my Network Marketing business.
  • I declare that my Success is assured as the sun rising tomorrow, and I will rise in the light of my New Thinking, Expectations, and Actions to higher levels of Success and Achievement that once thought impossible by others. Impossible is only the opinion of the Improbable crowd. I refuse to stand in that crowd any longer.
  • I declare that my life will start becoming what it CAN BE and WILL BE, not what I was told it should be. Should be's are the limiting chains in my thoughts that I now throw off of my mind and declare FREEDOM from all those former should be's, wanna be's, and never be's.
  • I declare that my Success will be ongoing,and OnFIRE, and NOT just a temporary event that many expect. This Success I shall build will become a Million Dollar Dream that I walk in, and live in. It will not be hindered nor held hostage by the Negative people who do not believe in Millions, but only limiting opinions of the deceived.
  • I declare there is NO ONE, NO THING, NO EVENT, NO EXPERIENCE, NO THOUGHT, NO VIEW, NO PERSPECTIVE, NO PERSON, NO OPINION, NO WORDS, and NO INFLUENCE outside of the Creator Himself, that can deny my Success, and My Life that I have planned in my MLM business.
  • I declare that I will no longer participate in the Minor Thinking of Life, and instead participate in the Major Thoughts that shake worlds, shiver hearts, shape minds, and change lives.
  • I declare that I have a RIGHT to SUCCEED and no one has a RIGHT to STEAL that Path I have chosen to walk, and if anyone attempts to, it will be met with a resistant force so strong, that there is no negative BELIEF that can defeat it, and no limiting Decision that can Conquer it. Minor Mind Thieves will no longer be allowed to steal my Major Dreams, nor future.
  • I declare that from this point forward, I will no longer walk in the Shadows of other people's Limited Thinking and Expectations, and I will no longer walk in the darkness of a life that was meant for Huge Success and Huge Achievement in Network Marketing.
  • I declare that I WILL become totally and radically Financially Independent.
  • I declare that I will become the person that everyone else said I could never become.
  • I declare that I will create such a Radical Success Shift in my life, thinking, and results, that people will stand in awe of the changes, as that is my right and duty for my family.
  • I declare that I will become the most Disciplined person I know, and operate in a manner that attracts Success like a Magnet on Steroids.
  • I declare that I will only have one focus, one FIRE, one force, and one phrase in my Success pursuits: "Whatever it Takes."
  • I declare that I will become the first person in my family and with my friends, to live a life that only others dream of, and then pass this New Success Focus on to them, so they may become the best they can be, and live the life of Most that they want to see.
  • I declare that I will commit to Win at this MLM venture, and Win BIG. My dream will not be detoured, deterred, detained, or destroyed. I will detoxify my mind with Devastating Success and Victory.
  • I declare that the Direction has been decided, the Trail to Be Tried, The Future is Forged with the Fire of Success in Network Marketing.
  • I declare that I will not be Pulled on, Pulled in, Pulled down, or Pulled out of Network Marketing.
  • I declare that I will not Give in, Give way, Give out, or Give up on my Success pursuit. Success is inevitable. I will no longer meander in the Maze of Mediocrity. I will Walk in the Path of Purpose and Power.
  • I declare that I will no longer conform to the Cancer of Can't, and will confirm constantly the Condition of CAN.
  • I declare that I will never let up, set up, give up, or shut up on Success, no matter what others give me as far as their Negative opinions.
  • I declare that I am determined to dare to do till I drop, and continue doing till DONE.
  • I declare that I will Rehearse, not rehash, Refuel, not refill, Retool, not retire, and Remain, not be removed, in my Network Marketing Journey of Success.
  • For these reasons, and by these reasons, I declare today that Success is MINE, and my life is now a Gold Mine waiting to be dug, drilled, and discovered, and exploded to the surface the Greatness that lies within us all placed there by our Creator. Success WILL be a part of my life and future, and I will never again be a part of anything that is less than that, and is a part of that.
  • MLM stands for MOST (in) LIFE (and) MORE. I shall have the MOST in my LIFE, and even MORE in the future.
  • I declare this, decree this, demand this, as I decry, deny, and say Goodbye to anything different. And on this day, my Personal Success Independence is Assured, and Success will be my life from this point forward, so help me God, in MLM and Network Marketing.

Signed _______________________________________________________

Date _________________________________________________________

Witness _______________________________________________________

Blessings….Doug Firebaugh

PassionFire Intermational /

© 2005 PFI / All rights reserved / You may reproduce with © notice attached

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Monday, August 29, 2005

MLM Blogs- The One Secret to Building a Massive Wealth Structure

Network Marketing Training-The One Secret to Building a Massive Wealth Structure in MLM

by Doug Firebaugh

The Ultimate Business Building Goal in MLM.

In this MLM training article, we need to cover one other thing:

What your Network Marketing Business Building goal really should be. It may be different than you need, and perceive. It shows you the secret to long lasting wealth in MLM.

Some people say that you should build a monster downline, and recruit like crazy. That can be done, and should be, but in reality for most people, there is a goal or focus that should always be at the back of your mind as you are building your business: This should be first and foremaot your goal for Success:

Building a Re-Order Business in MLM.

You can make money and even create wealth with your company, by building an ongoing, monthly Re-Order Business with your mlm organization of customers and distributors. This should be easy, as the quality of your products and services are so extraordinary that once people start using them, there is a definite possibility they will be on them every month for the rest of their life!

Would you ever be without your MLM Products and services?

Understand this:

If nothing is being sold, nothing is happening in your Network Marketing business.


If nothing is being sold, nothing is happening in your Network Marketing business!

It’s ALL about Customers Consuming/Using the Products and Services! Then finding people who will help you share them with others to build a customer base.

Whether it is your friends, family, or new people you meet, your mlm success will be determined FIRST and FOREMOST by people consuming these incredible products month in and month out. Yes, you must recruit, but all wealth in network marketing is based on product usage and consumption consistency. Recruiting volume is a one time hit. Consumption continues monthly.

The most common reason that people will become an mlm distributor is the positive experience of taking the products, which compels them to share them with people they care about. You MUST recruit, to build an organization, but your best recruits will usually come from your satisfied customers.

Be careful not to let someone R-O-B your dreams and business, by telling you it is Not about a Re-Order Business! Your company exists because of the products, and the opportunity of building an army of consumers, which then could end up developing a battalion of Network marketing distributors!

Yes, there will always be people who want to jump into business building by recruiting immediately. GO FOR IT! But even your recruiting should revolve around the products!

Understand that the long-term volume that will create the paycheck you seek, still will be determined by how many customers and distributors are consuming the products on a monthly basis.

A picture of your business should end up looking like this:

1) You have built an army of Consumers.
2) And from that, comes a Battalion of Distributors.
3) And from that comes a Team of Leaders.

Understand that the measure of an MLM Leader is NOT the money made in Network Marketing. The measure of a Leader is not in the wealth that he/she has amassed. The measure of a True Leader is how many other Leaders they have developed and built in their group, as well as how many distributors they have helped, inspired, and led into a more successful life.

The fruit of that Leadership is financial blessings, not only for the Leader, but the leaders they have built. It’s ALL ABOUT PEOPLE!

The Power of MLM and Change.

How would you life change if you knew that you helped a single mom double her income and that gave her the ability to improve her children’s lives?

How would your life be impacted by knowing that you had a part in helping a struggling family get back on track financially, and their kids could now afford to go to college?

What would it mean to you if your company not only more than met your family’s financial needs, but you had enough left over that you could help others in need?

That is the POWER in this incredible industry. To change lives, not only from the extraordinary products you have, but also from the Power found in you and your own mlm organization!

And along with all that, your organization can generate a long-term income that will give you the lifestyle, fulfillment, and security that your dreams are made of!

And you start building that Army…with the first friend that you share the products with in MLM and Network Marketing!


PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

MLM Success Training Authority

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

MLM Blogs- The Secrets to a SCORCHING One on One Presentation

MLM Success Training- MLM Success Secrets to a SCORCHING One on One MLM Presentation

by Doug Firebaugh

The One on One MLM Presentation is key to Success in Network Marketing. How do you do a HOT One on One Presentation in Network Marketing that is riveting and SCORCHING?

Simple. Step by Step, and walking the prospect though a path that educates them on your program. Not a lot of steps either. Maybe 4 or 5, and thats all. Keep it simple.

Then, vow to do a weekly appointment for an MLM presntation, week after week after week. That alone will ignite your business.

In building your dream or mlm business, your goal is to get at least one retail appointment weekly, and share the products with a friend. They should have listened to a product tape/cd, or watched a company DVD, or even listened to a recruiting CD. If your friend has not listened to them, then let them watch your company DVD while you’re together and leave a tape/CD with them.



Say words that reflect these:

The products work! It’s exciting! (Energy & Enthusiasm)

What if it DOES work for YOU? (Hope)

Try it now! (Create Sense of Urgency).

Who else can you think of? (Referrals)

There are Power Phrases which will maximize your results and make you more money in the long run. Use them, and make a habit of saying them. Get with your sponsor to learn these Power Phrases and learn exactly how the company wants you to talk about the products and business.

Ok… you have decided how many customers you need this month. Now, you’re in their house, and looking at them. What tools do you need with you, and what do you say?

On a one on one retail appointment, you need:

1) Product catalogue and brochures

2) Products/Samples

3) DVD and/or Product Tape CD to leave with them

MLM Success Suggestion:

Maintain control and lead the appointment at all times. You are guiding them down a path.

Be brief and simplistic as your time is valuable, and they need to see that they could easily fit sharing these products into their own lives. You want them to think, “I can do that!”

The Retail Appointment is basically divided into 5 parts:

Sharing the Company Information

Telling Your Product Story

Showing the Products and talking benefits to the prospect


What’s next?

When you are in your friends’ and families’ home, you need to break the ice, “warm them up first, and talk about them, their family, and what is going on in their life.” Ask questions about them – you may find them telling you of concerns in their life where your network marketing company might just be the solution. Listen closely and get them talking and opening up! This sets the stage to talk to them about your company.

The Secret of Network Marketing Amplification.

Use what we call “Amplifiers:”

1) “Tell me a little bit about yourself, your family.”

2) “Tell me what’s new in your life.”

3) “That’s interesting, tell me more.”

4) “Uh huh…really?”

5) “How does that make you feel?”

6) “I appreciate you sharing that with me.”

7) “Where did you go on vacation this year?””

Once you’ve bonded and connected to the mlm prospect, move it along to:

1) Sharing the Company.

“Let me tell you why I am here. I have run across an amazing company, and I simply wanted to share with you what it has done to my life and future. I figure you may know someone who could benefit from these amazing products like I have. Let me share a little about the company.”

Then cover 4-5 bullets about the company, like location, owners, vision, and financial mangement.

2) Telling your product story.

“Let me explain what impact that these products have had on me and my family. It been amazing…”

And then tell them your Personal Product Story. Keep it brief.

3) Showing the products and talking benefits.

Here is where you actually show the products or brochure of what you are marketing. Do not over do it, Keep it simple and brief. Say:

“Let me share with you the products quickly and tell you about their amazing benefits.”

Show a company DVD, or get out the product catalogue/brochure and briefly go over the products you are talking about, or simply hand them the products,(or brochure) let them ‘take ownership”, and you tell the benefits of each as they are looking at them. Show them the product testimonies if you have them.

“Can you see how someone could truly enhance their life with products like these?”

4) Compensation.

“There is also a way that you can get your products for free, or even earn a substantial part time income with this company. How would you like to get 4 paychecks at your job every month verses just one? We have 4 ways we get paid.”

Then cover the 4 ways you make money in your mlm compensation plan.:

There are 4 ways that most compensation plans make money: Retail Profit, Building a Team, Leadership Bonuses, and Rewards, like cars and trips. Do not get too detailed, but here is a secret:


SHOW THEM How they can make money with your compenswation plan, and then ask them what they are going to do with it!

Go over how you make a retail profit, how the overrides on your own team works, how the Leadership bonuses and % increases work, and how the rewards work. Keep it siomple, and get them to think- "I can do this!"

The MLM Decision.

5) “What’s Next?”

You need to move them along, and get a sense or feeling of where they are as far as what you have said. Ask:

“Is this making sense to you?”

“What did you like best about what you’ve heard so far?”

“Can you see yourself becoming successful in something like this?”


“Based on what you have heard, do you see yourself more as a customer or a distributor?”

Then move them to either putting an order together, or putting them in the next step of the process that your company teaches you to do.

With this simple step by step MLM Presentation Process, you can double the sales volume overnight, with this MLM One on One Presentation in Network Marketing.


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

MLM Blogs- The Secret MLM Formula for becoming 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof

MLM Recruiting- The Secret MLM Prospecting Formula for Becoming 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof!

by Doug Firebaugh

It happens everyday.

Network Marketers go out, and get shot down. And they lay in their own pool of pity and excuses, never knowing that the whole scenario could have been prevented. Network Marketing recruiting is not a hazardous occupation, but you would never know it from some folks.

That is why you need "body armor."

Just like the kind that the Special Ops Commandos use in their operations. If they get shot at,the armor reflects or stops the bullet, and they live. You need that kind of armor in MLM, and you need to become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in MLM Prospecting!

Great! But how do you do that?

Easy. It all deals with reflecting the bullets of rejection from your mlm prospects, and doing it handily. That is something that anyone can do, and anyone can succeed at, as reflecting "rejection bullets" is handled by what we call a "Third Party Recruiter."

What is that?

It simply is a recruiting tool, CD, DVD, or Brochure, or website/webcast, or any other tool that you can use to tell the story of the Network Marketing Company you enrolled in.

All you do, is ask them if they have a few minutes, as you would like to share an idea with them, that has really helped your life.

"Do you have a cd player in your car?"

"Yeah sure."

"Could you please do me a favor, and put this in and listen to it as you drive home?" It is that simple.

All you are doing with these recruiting tools are "sifting and sorting" as they call it, mlm prospects. I call it "Rating and Separating." You simply are rating the ones who show an interest as High, and the rest you are separating into a group for possible product purchases. Again, it is that simple.

And when you have given them a CD or DVD, and it has been a day or so, call them, and ask, "What was your favorite part about the DVD?" or "What did you like the best about the CD?" Assume they have listened to it, and focus them on what they liked best.

If they did not like it, you did not have to do a presentation, or go through the whole scenario of your mlm company. You saved a lot of time using a recruiting tool. And they did not reject you, but simply did not embrace the message that the tool shared with them.

It is called "Rejection Proof" Prospecting and Recruiting! And it can make you feel 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof because they did not tell you NO, but told you that the CD message was not for them.

But wait! It gets better!

You can fail 80%-90% of the time and still create a solid business with MLM prospecting tools! And you would be 10 Feet Tall and Spitting Bullets then! How would that happen?

It all deals with understanding the numbers in Network Marketing Success.

It revolves around sharing a recruiting CD/DVD/Brochure, 2 times a day with someone new. That is all. Just twice a day. We call it the "Two A Day" Formula, and lets say that you have 5 people in your group that is willing to hand out 2 CDs a day. Here is what has proven to happen:

5 people x 2 exposures a day= 10 EXPOSURES a day.

10 exposures a day x 30 days= 300 exposures a month.

300 exposures monthly x 12 months= 3600 EXPOSURES a year.

That would yield for the year about:

720 new customers (2 out of 10 prospects purchasing-20%- 20% of 3600= 720.)

180 new distributors (5 out of 100 prospects enrolling in your company- 5%- 5% of 3600= 180.)

1440 referrals (2 referrals from the 720 new customers on average. You will average selling 3 out of 10 referrals.)

What would happen to your business if THIS HAPPENED? KABOOOOOM!

You would become 10 Feet tall, and Chewing Bullets for Gum! 720 NEW CUSTOMERS! 180 NEW DISTRIBUTORS! 1440 REFERRALS! And that is with a 80% FAILURE RATE!

And all you do, is hand out 2 mlm prospecting tools a day. Thats it, and let the numbers do their work.

How simple is that? This is all we did for 10 years, and built a HUGE group, as this simple Two a Day is totally duplicable, and multiplies!

Become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in your MLM prospecting, by allowing this simple system to wrap you in "MLM Success Armor" and never feel the pain of rejection again! Let the recruiting tool take the hit, as you simply take the CD back. And give it to the next person!

It is NOT all about Talent, but TOOLS! And using them as a Third Party Recruiter/Prospector will help explode any business out there. And It is REJECTION PROOF Prospecting/Recruiting!

That alone would make anyone 10 Feet Tall and BulletProof in MLM Recruiting!


PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

MLM Success Training Center

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Friday, August 19, 2005

MLM Blogs- The TRUE COST of Laziness in Network Marketing

MLM Training- The TRUE COST of Your Lack of Action in Network Marketing

By Doug Firebaugh


VERY expensive.

That is what LOA is in the network marketing arena. It can be the most costly thing you ever have seen as far as a potential future, and yet, people seem to ignore the cost of it.


That is what it is.


That people would let this occur and without a single thought or guilt about it. And when the cost of it comes due, all they due is have a pity party.

” Woe is me. I am so unlucky. Look what this MLM business has done to me.”

Yeah right.


Network marketing will only reflect back to you what you have done for it. It doesn’t do anything to you. It only gives back what you have put in. Nothing more, nothing less.

You have joined a Network Marketing Company, and you are excited and want to tell the world, but then -- something happens.


You must go out and make calls and talk to people, do presentations, follow up, ask for the order, and do three ways as well as train your new people, so you say:

”WAIT A MINUTE! Is there not another way? There HAS TO BE!!!”

Sure. If you want to fail.

And LOA is a direct result of reality setting in and then your fears and doubts show up, and--


You are now full blown into the grasps of LOA, and many people don’t even know they are there. They live their entire lives there, and their career in MLM becomes a result of it.

LOA. The cancer in MLM and Network Marketing.


What is this thing called LOA and why is it so expensive to you?

Lack Of Action.

One of the biggest reasons that people fail miserably in this business, and the cost of it is staggering if you look at it realistically.


The most broke and poorest distributor in MLM is the “Permanent Student” who learns all the right things and what to do and say, but never acts on it or engages it.

And they are the ones who scream the loudest that MLM is a scam and it doesn’t work.


They are only scamming themselves to think that knowledge will make them successful in any enterprise, let alone Network Marketing or a Home Business.


Knowledge will not make you rich--ever. It is how you APPLY the knowledge EFFECTIVELY and CONSISTENTLY that creates wealth in Network Marketing.

Lack of Action is a cost that has interest. As a friend of mine says…

“If you think success is expensive, try paying the bill for failure!”


Ok, we understand that LOA is something that is VERY expensive to you and your family.

But what are the true costs of it? If you really think about it, and ponder it, what will it really cost you and your family your lack of action?

There is an exercise I have done all over the world and back, and the impact it amazing at what it does. And it really is a COLD DOSE of reality of what your LOA does cost you. And this exercise is something that is a good downline building tool and can be used in seminars and meetings.

It’s called:

The Top 10 Things I will Never have in My Life due to MY Lack of Action”.

OUCH! That hurts, doesn’t it? If you really think about it, it really does create a fear of loss and a big one sometimes.

Fill out the items below and list the things you will not have due to your LOA in MLM:

1) ______________________________________________

2) ______________________________________________

3 ______________________________________________

4) -_____________________________________________

5) ______________________________________________

6) ______________________________________________

7) _____________________________________________

8) _____________________________________________

9) _____________________________________________

10) ____________________________________________

I realize that this is what my LOA will cost me, and am aware of the future costs as well.

Signed __________________________________________

Date _____________________

So -- what’s it gonna be bubba? (Or bubbette….smile)

May I suggest you NOT ACCEPT the Top 10 Lack in your life and TRUE COST of Lack of Action, and decide to get INTO ACTION and start creating what you want in your life in MLM and Network Marketing!


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/all rights reserved

Network Marketing Success Center

MLM Training Blog- BlogFire

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Network Marketing Recruiting Training

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

MLM Blogs- The MLM MASTER Skill of MLM Success

MLM Success- THE MLM Success Secret - You must Master the Master Skill in Network Marketing.

by Doug Firebaugh

It truly is the Network Marketing Paradox. I just shake my head sometimes at this, and other times, I just smile.

I have some good news.

And some not so good news.

Well, I guess it all depends on how you look at it as far as your Network marketing business and your MLM Success.

Here it is:

Your paycheck is totally, absolutely, postively, no doubt about it, no argument available, it is the solid truth, incredibly determined by one thing.


You say!

How can that be? Don't say that! Many things determine a paycheck! Many factors determine my income! Many forces determine my volume! Many things have been determining the numbers on my check!

I understand why you feel that way.

I once thought that there were many factors that went in to the MLM Success Formula for Network Marketing. Was I correct?

Well, yes and no.


Your Success can be determined by many things, but your paycheck is determined by one.

Read that again to make sure you have it down.

And most people view their Success in MLM through the numbers on their mlm paychecks.

Let look at the Truth about Your MLM Paycheck.

But it's TRUE . Your paycheck is really determined by ONE thing...


What would that one thing be?

It is what I call the " Master Skill in Network Marketing ".

MLM Millionaires have mastered and continue to master it.

Politicians have mastered it.

CEO's have mastered it, and even most waitresses have mastered it.

Movie Stars have mastered it.

Mega Church Pastors have mastered it.

Successful entrepreneurs have mastered it.

And YOU must master it.

OK, what is it?


OnFIRE Communication!

Fortune Magazine did a study of over 200 Multi-Millionaires, and found that over 90% of them when questioned what the single most important skill was for their or any success:

It was the ability to effectively communicate!

There are three rules to a Successful Paycheck in MLM:

  1. You will never get paid for anything else other that talking to people.
  2. You will never get paid for anything else other that talking to people.
  3. You will never get paid for anything else other that talking to people.


Let me repeat that so you have it down...ONE MORE TIME!

  1. You will never get paid for anything else other that talking to people.
  2. You will never get paid for anything else other that talking to people.
  3. You will never get paid for anything else other that talking to people.
Got the MLM Paycheck Source?

You get paid for talking to mlm prospects, talking to your downline, and talking to your leaders. You MUST become a riveting MLM Communicator, and develop a talking style that is Powerful, Magnetic, Fpcused, Energetic, and is Effective in MLM Success

If that is a weakness in your personality, then you need to read books and study Communication. I did, and it paid off unbelievably! One of my favorites is "You Are the Message," available through amazon.com Also, there is a good book, "Getting your point across in 5 Minutes or Less." Bot are great books as far as communication. Read them, and listen to some audio tapes on Communication, and check out the CommunicationLab on out PassionFire website.

Educating yourself on Communication is a MUST! And it will pay off massively HUGE in your MLM Success.


doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

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Sunday, August 14, 2005

MLM Blogs- The Secrets of Your REAL MLM Inventory

MLM Training- MLM Success Secret: Know Your REAL Inventory and It's Wealth Power

Doug Firebaugh

Let me ask you a very simple question:

What is your inventory in MLM?

Now, don't look too much into this question, it is a very simple one. But let me ask you this question again.

What is your inventory in Network Marketing and MLM?

Is it Vitamins?

Nutritional Products?

Weight Loss Products?


Noni Juice?

Internet Products?

Skin Care Products?

Make up?

Telecommunication services?

Travel services?

Wholesale Purchase program and Service?

Legal Service Products?

Insurance Products?

Training Products?

Children's Educational Products?

Pre-packaged Food Products?

The Real Network Marketing Deal.

If you are going to succeed in MLM, then you must know a few things.

What you market to the masses, the products you sell:

Are the COMPANY'S inventory, not yours.

YOUR Inventory is NOT the products you order from the company. Let em repeat that:

Your Inventory is NOT-NOT- the products you order from the company and take to the marketplace.

They are the products that belong to the mlm company, even though you may purchase them they are still the products of the network marketing company.

The company manufactures/developed them, and you simply are a messenger for the network marketing company to talk about them to others.

What is your REAL INVENTORY?

PEOPLE are your inventory... PERIOD!

Your Prospects, your Customers, and your Downline.

Let me repeat that.

Your Prospects, your Customers, and your Downline.

One more time...

Your Prospects, your Customers, and your Downline are your REAL Inventory.

And they always will be. What is your inventory looking like? No business can operate without enough inventory.

"Where 's the MLM Beef?"

If someone is struggling in this business, many times I will ask them to "Show me your inventory," and they will look totally puzzled. They many times look at me like a deer in headlights.

I will then precede to tell them that most folks who are struggling in MLM have a LOW Inventory of People.

And what business would last if their inventory constantly ran low?

And you must restock your inventory from time to time as well, as some inventory will become "outdated," resistant to marketplace change, and useless to your business...

As many distributors will as well.

If you are struggling in your business, take a look at your inventory. You may find a CLUE there.

Remember the " MLM SuccessFire Formula for Success"

No Inventory = No Igniting!

blessings...doug (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

PassionFire Intl

MLM Success Training

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doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

Friday, August 12, 2005

MLM Blogs- The 2 Golden Words for Network Marketing Success

MLM Training- The Two Golden Words for Massive MLM Success

by Doug Firebaugh

Many a Leader in Network Marketing get into the business, and really go after it. They see where they want to go, and truly start on an excited journey to success. But little by little, it starts to fade.

Ever seen that in you or your folks? The gleam in their eyes has started to fade, and the pounding in their heart is not as strong, and the Fire in their words is now burning low.

Where did it go? What happened?

And as a Leader, you think" What caused it?", and why can't you see this "Creeping Cancer" start?

You can.

And you can actually help prevent it, with what we at PassionFire call "The Two Golden Words."

Too many times in MLM Leaders are blindsided by something that most Leaders are not even aware of, or at least not focused on it. And if they were, the "Creeping Cancer" could be at least diagnosed, and dealt with on an emergency basis.

As a Leader, or an Aspiring Leader in Network Marketing, you will build an organization, and many times will shake your head at people quitting, walking away, for no apparent reason.

And most of the time, it is caused by one thing, and it truly is a 'Creeping Cancer" in your business and the Industry as a whole, as well as Life itself.

What is that Cancer?

The Cancer that Eats Away at MLM Success:


And what are the Two Golden Words in MLM Success?


Simply, you, as a Leader, must promote and enroll your folks in a No Compromise Vision. How does this happen?

Well, it starts with a Lack of awareness that this can and will happen, and if it is not focused on and handled, will grow as a part of how most mediocre people live their lives.

Little by little, inch by inch, a little compromise here, a little compromise there, lowering their standards and expectations for success. That is how this home business in network marketing becomes a low priority with folks after a while.

It's called "The Rust Factor."

Just as a new piece of steel if left to the elements will rust, so does your Vision and dreams if left to the "Elements of Compromise." The "Rain of Doubt, " The "Wind of Frustration, " The "Hail of Negatives," The "Storm of Adversity, " and The "Heat of Anger."

You know what the word "RUST" stands for?

RUST.....Regressing Under Someone-else's Thinking.

Do you do that?

Lower and regress you dreams under someone else's Little thinking and "advice"? DON"T!

The New MLM Distributor.

How does this happen with the new distributor?

1. The new distributor sets high goals, and starts their business, but after a little while with little results, they lower their dreams, and compromise their success, and life, and future, and expectations.

2. The new distributor starts their business, and as they start contacting their warm market, the people they hold in high regard are negative to them, and want to "Bring them down to earth."

And to "reality," and due to their Influence, the new distributor compromises His/Her success by lowering or abandoning their dreams, to please their friends, to "Fit in" and not rock the "Boat of Acceptance."

3. After a while, the new MLM distributor gets to know some "Veteran Distributors, " and these folks "Tell it the way it is." And they whine and complain to the new distributor, and the newbie starts to lower their dreams and goals to "Fall in line" with what is "real" in a home business MLM, compromising their life and dreams again.

What if Abraham Lincoln had compromised His Standards?

What if Thomas Jefferson had Compromised His Standards?

What if Mother Teresa had compromised Her standards?

Greatness in ANY Leadership endeavor starts with a NO COMPROMISE Mindset and "Heartset" as well.

And the sad part about it, a lot of MLM Leaders are the one's who compromise their New Distributor's dreams and standards because they have not been diligent in their own pursuit of success. (Are you guilty?) What can you do?

The No Compromise Campaign in MLM.

Start a "NO COMPROMISE Campaign" with your Network Marketing group.

1. Announce it to your group, and tell them NO ONE is going to steal their future as long as you are their Leader. NO ONE!

2. Tell them that Compromise is NOT AN OPTION in your group, and you will STAY THE COURSE-REACH THE DREAM, which is the true Secret of Leadership in this Business.

And the 3 most important words to drive your campaign:


3. And "NO COMPROMISE" Flyers, button, stickers, whatever you want to promote the message, and everytime you chat with your Leaders, remind them.

Only People who DON"T ACHIEVE THEIR DREAMS, compromise. We WILL achieve our dreams-- NO MATTER WHAT!

And one final thought:

The Last word in Compromise is Promise. Are you focused on that part of the word? If you have compromised, you have broken a Sacred Leadership Promise, and Trust, to Navigate your folks to Success.

What does a promise mean to you? What does your Vision and your Folk's Vision mean to them?

DON"T let life, or negative people compromise your future, dreams, and Success. Don't Compromise, but CAN-Promise. And Lead your people to a future that CAN and WILL be achieved, but only with a NO COMPROMISE Leadership.


Compromise -- The "Creeping Cancer" of MLM Leadership.

Cut the Tumor out at the Heart of the Cancer, with Radical and Massive Radiation Treatment called:

Passionate Leadership!


PassionFire Intl

Network Marketing Leadership Training

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

MLM Blogs- The 9 Million Dollar Questions for MLM Success

MLM Success- The 9 Million Dollar Questions in Network Marketing Leadership.

by Doug Firebaugh

Can people REALLY Succeed in Network Marketing and MLM?

Great Question!

Answer: They can, and DO, all the time.

I got in a conversation recently with someone who asked that question, and they were convinced beyond my words that MLM simply is something that people cannot do.

And they walked off still thinking that way. Sad.

But it is a really good question, and I believe needs to be addressed from a point of reality and truth, not hype and promises. It is so true that most folks don't succeed in network marketing, and the reason why is one, that they don't want to hear, don't want to believe and don't want to deal with.

But understand:

The MLM Leadership Factor.


Leadership is about telling folks what needs to be said, not what they want to hear. And sometimes leaders in this business can be outcasts because they stand up for the brutal truth, not some candy coated platitude that is more for tickling the ears then changing a life.

I get emails a lot about how my writings are too blount and brutal and I need to lighten up.

Get over it. The truth needs to be told in this industry, and until folks can get a grasp on it, they will never be successful nor rich. What is the answer to the question?

You may or not believe it. But you are struggling and failing in this Network Marketing business:

Because you have chosen to do so.

Period. That's it.

Nothing more. And I can hear the "you don't understands" now coming off my computer screen, and they echo throughout the industry. The "Excuse Brigade" is now in action again, and clinging to their excuses like a vine to a pole, like odor to garbage.

And that is all their excuses are: Garbage. Let me explain.

It takes a certain amount of work, activity, belief, energy, education and relentless pursuit to create any success of any kind in any endeavor. .All Network Marketing Leaders know this.

And luck has a way of showing up when you have chosen to engage all of the above effectively.

Let me ask you a few questions. And for once in this business, look at yourself and answer them brutally honest.

The 9 Million Dollar Questions of MLM Leadership.

1) Have you REALLY given TOTALLY all you got the last 30 days in this business when you worked it or have you chosen not to?

2) Have you had the level of activity that is REALLY needed to succeed in MLM, or have you chosen not to?

3) Have you decided that NOTHING will stop you from success, or have you chosen that you will stop you??

4) Have you intensely educated yourself on how to REALLY do this business effectively and professionally, or have you chosen not to?

5) Have you been telling yourself the truth about what you are REALLY doing daily in your business, or NOT doing, or have you chosen NOT to?

6) Have you talked to enough people today to create some serious MLM Fire in your business, or have you chosen not to?

7) Have you focused on what will create success, not comfort, and then done it, or chosen COMFORT?

8) Are you going to finally GET SERIOUS about this business and give yourself permission to succeed, or deny yourself that choice?

9) Are you going to listen to all your excuses and reasons why Network Marketing won't work, or have you chosen not to, and you just go out and do it and prove everyone wrong?


Your choices and decisions in this business will dictate WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR HOURS, and the effect those hours have on your business.r

The Secret of What Your MLM Business REALLY is.


All your business is, and ever will be, is a summary of what you and your downline have put, or NOT PUT, into the hours you have worked your business.

Garbage in, Garbage out. NO Exceptions.

Most kid themselves into thinking they have been working, and in reality, they have not been constructing a business, but conning themselves into constricting a future.


I hope so. I want this article today to be like a 2X4 up against your heart and get you to see what is REALLY your choices and desires for you in this industry.

If you do, and step up and start changing those choices into decisions and then let that decision become unalterable, it's Success or Nothing, Freedom or Nothing, then you will find the Success Track that all leaders need to be on with their folks and with their Vision.

2 Words: IT'S TIME. To get Serious about building a Serious MLM Business.


The Seriousness Factor in MLM Leadership.


The SERIOUSNESS of your actions in this business will ALWAYS determine the SERIOUSNESS of your paycheck.

Now THAT'S Leadership Reality! if you choose to believe that, and GET SERIOUS. Get yourself a new bank account. You are gonna need it.


doug firebaugh / PassionFire International

copyright 2005/ all rights reserved

PassionFire Intl

Network Marketing Training Leadership Success

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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

MLM Blogs- The Top 15 MLM Lead Companies in Network Marketing

MLM Network Marketing Training- the Top 15 MLM Lead Companies in Network Marketing

by Doug Firebaugh

MLM leads.

That is a sound of music to my ears. Why? I worked MLM Leads for nearly 8 years, and had great success with them. That is why that I have a pretty good understanding of what really makes a good MLM Lead, and what does not.

In the pursuit of finding these top 15 Network Marketing Lead companies, there were some requirements and considerations that went into the mix. An MLM lead is only part of the MLM Lead Success Formula. There were 5 things that we looked at when we were considering MLM Lead Companies.

What are they?

1) Quality of the MLM lead.

Quality of lead is everything. There are some great looking websites out there that look totally rocdking, but we found that the quality of leads when we called them, were less than what you should expect in an MLM lead.

Beautiful site, great looking logo, lousy leads.

That is why we actually had people order leads, and we called them. We called more than one bunch of leads as well. This at least would give us a feeling of consistency or lack of it. The MLM Lead companies we chose were highly consistent in quality of lead, and people who truly were looking for a business. It took us 7 months to complete the research on MLM leads.

2) Training of working the MLM Leads.

Many of the beautiful sites offered no type of ongoing training, and that was something that really needs to be be a part of any good MLM leads programs. There were some that had online training, as well as cds and training series you could purchase. That was good, but the ongoing live training was the best idea, and we found many MLM leads Companies that did just that.

Training also includes scripts, handling objections, presentation, following up, closing, and other MLM leads topics. There are some HOT MLM leads sites out there that truly delivered on this qulaity of MLM leads training.

3) MLM Leads Support.

The support factor was key. Once the MLM leads were purchased, was there somehow support in case of need? Most had email support, some had live phone support, and some had live instant message support. There were sites that offered no support, and if you had a challenge with your MLM leads, then good luck.

The support should be somehow resolving issues that arise, including bad mlm leads, wrong numbers or emails, and general problems. The MLM Leads companies we found that were the best, had a support system. And some type of guarantee also should be part of the network marketing lead program.

4) Targeted MLM leads.

Many companies had different types of targeted mlm leads, including company specific, live tv leads, local leads, gender specific, product specific, area code specific, among others. Targeted mlm leads are the favorite of the Networkers I talked to, as it give people a more focused lead, and a more targeted impact.

5) Pricing of the MLM leads.

This was a huge factor in determining many people's decision to buy. But to be blunt, you get what you pay for. There are many cheap network marketing home business lead companies with cheap leads, but here is a warning:

Be careful.

Ask if you can try maybe 15-20 leads to see if they are worth the money. Many companies give free network marketing leads away to try.

Understand that a great MLM lead may cost you several dollars, and rightfully so.


An MLM lead purchase is NOT a purchase, but an investment in your business. One good MLM lead can produce tens of thousands of dollars in volume and revenues. If you understand that, then the pricing should not be as important as the quality and training of the Network marketing lead company.

And of course, REPUTATION had a lot to do with the selection as well. Some companies that came across really well, when checked on, did not have a very good reputation for MLM Leads and service.


What are the Top 15 MLM lead Companies? (They are in no particular order, as all are really great as far as our research would tell us.)


Do your OWN DUE DILIGENCE before you purchase, but these we found are pretty strong as all scored well in the above areas of requirement.

1) Cutting Edge Media


2) Leads2yoursuccess.com


3) Networkleads.com


4) ProStep MLM leads


5) LeadsLab MLM leads


6) Leaders Club MLM leads


7)Traffic Oasis (Need a referral source for this one)


8) Fast MLM Leads


9) Pro MLM Leads


10) NPros (Company specific mlm leads)


11) Jungle Leads


12) Optimized Leads


13) Laser Leads


14) Leads Lists


15) MLM leads.com


There ARE other good MLM lead companies out there, depending on what you are looking for. But these we found as far as research, were the better ones, and some were beyond exceptional.

MLM leads are a great source of NEW BLOOD for your business. You can find Gold mine after Gold mine, in a good Network marketing lead and great MLM Leads.

blessings...doug (c) 2005/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

PassionFire Intl

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Monday, August 08, 2005

MLM Blogs- The 5 Biggest reasons People Fail in MLM Recruiting

Network Marketing Success- The 5 Biggest Reasons People Fail in MLM Recruiting

By Doug Firebaugh

In MLM recruiting, if there is a standard belief that you must understand. It is this:


In a Home Business we get paid to do one thing, and one thing only. It will determine 95% of your paycheck. And that is:

Communicating with people.

I have said that before, and I hope you understand we are a business of Communication, with marketing blended into it.

With that in mind:

There are 5 HUGE reasons why people fail in recruiting in network marketing. And after studying and doing the business for nearly 13 years full-time, I discovered there is a pattern that I saw that developed with people who were struggling with their home business recruiting, which usually is the majority of folks.

And I hope that you will look at these 5 reasons and see where you can change your focus and efforts to a more productive and effective style of MLM Recruiting.

The 5 Reasons for Massive MLM Recruiting Failure:

  • 1) "The distributor not talking to People."

Yes, you read that right. Amazing as that sounds. There are many people who lead people to believe with their words that they are actually recruiting and talking to people. But they are not.

They are busy at building a facade of a business and never really engaging the conversation and contact necessary for success. Why?

Fear of many things. But that is the biggest reason. And how do you overcome it?

Find a recruiting partner who will help emotionally support you and help you, whether it is your upline or sideline. And work with them.

Yes, there are folks out there who truly are talking to no one,as they are scared. If you see no action happening with someone in your downline, it may be a "silent talker."

Otherwise someone who talks about recruiting, but is silent when it comes time to recruit.

You MUST communicate with folks if you are going to have success in the marketplace and with your home business.

Imagine, fooling yourself into believing you are truly working a Network Marketing business this way. NOT!

2. "The Distributor Not talking to Enough people."

This is an interesting thing. There seems to be a comfort level with people that says "I have talked to xx number of people, and nothing is happening, so that means I can't recruit because this doesn't work." Again..NOT!


One of the biggest reasons failure occurs in MLM is: (GET THIS!)

Too many distributors spend too much time, with too many people, who have too little of an interest.

Talk to a lot of DIFFERENT people.

It amazes me that someone can say they talked to a lot of folks, and in reality they talked a lot to a few folks who have little interest. And it's all because they don't have to go out and talk to NEW people. They would tather talk to people with little interest than new folks who do have an interest.

New Blood in Network Marketing Recruiting.


In MLM Recruiting, NEW blood keeps the heart of your business pumping. Talk to ENOUGH people and talk to people ENOUGH, but don't turn them off.

Go on to a new person, and see what happens with that person verses trying to force someone into the business who later will only leave with a bad taste.

3. "The Distributor not talking to the Right People"

Wasting massive amounts of time. That is what most distributors do when recruiting and continue to do. They talk to the wrong people, and then bring in the wrong people, and then have a downline of mostly wrong people.

Who are the right people?

People who light up and catch Fire when you show them your home business, and then light other's up when they talk. Not someone who complains after only 2 days because the application is the wrong color.

Or the wrong size. Or the upline is not doing enough to welcome them aboard. 2 phone calls is not enough. You know the type.

There is what we call the "Recruiting IQ". And that helps tell you if they are the right one.

IQ stands for "Ignite Quickly." And if they catch fire quickly, they have a great chance of being the "right one" to pursue.


To attract the Right One for your Home Business Success, you must BECOME the right one. You must become who you want to attract into this home business through personal development and empowerment.

4. "The Distributor not Talking Right to people."

This is a business of communication, and thus of verbiage and emotion as well.

The Wrong MLM Message.


A lot of distributors are simply saying the wrong things to the wrong people with a wrong message. You must talk to people with a YOU focus.

It is called the T.I.N.Y Focus:

Their Interests Not Yours. And you focus whether online or offline, on what interests them and do it Professionally.

Nothing turns someone off worse than a self focused and self absorbed Direct Sales distributor who is only focused on recruiting a person for THEIR reasons. Not the reason of the prospect. And the words they are using reveal a lot...Me...me...I....I...me...me...I... I....me...me....me...you.


You should say the word "You" at least 4 times more than the word "I" or "me" in any Home Business presentation.

INFERNO Exercise: Here is an exercise: Try recruiting someone without using the word "I" or "me." Use we and us, and see how the prospect's interests increases as you use YOU 4 times more than Us or We.

The Talking Too Much Factor in MLM Recruiting.

5. "Talking TOO Much to people You are talking to."

Some folks have diarrhea of the mouth. And they talk, and talk, and they talk, and then talk. And talk, and talk, and by the time they finish, the prospects finished.


Don't Dump on people! Create a RECRUITING ENVIRONMENT.

That creates the prospect to do most of the talking. Ask a lot of questions. Listen a lot of minutes. Ask a lot of questions.


Most people LOVE to have an audience. But they hate to BE an audience. You BE an audience of one for massive listening to your prospect, and don't create a "Sat Chat."

What is that?

A Saturation chat. Where they feel saturated with your words and info, and feel they have enough information to tell you -- No.

The Power of Magnetic Questions in MLM and a Home Business.

If you are going to be a HOT MLM Recruiter, you must CONNECT with your folks!

And the best way to do that is to become an audience of one.

And ask a lot of "Magnetic Questions... and watch an explosion occur in your MLM and Network Marketing Recruiting.

blessings…doug Firebaugh

PassionFire Intl (C) 2005/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Saturday, August 06, 2005

MLM Blogs- The MLM Recruiting Test for Network Marketing

MLM Recruiting- The Recruiting Test for Network Marketing

by Doug Firebaugh

The Ultimate MLM Recruiter.

How good of a Network Marketing recruiter are you?

Is it easy for you to sponsor people or difficult?

Is it a struggle to recruit for you? Or somewhere in between?

After 20 years in this industry, you have a tendency to learn some things if you pay attention. And after observing for quite some time, and the experience of our own team when I was active, we found that there are certain things that are done daily that highly successful MLM recruiters do.

You would be well served to take note and even copy what they do.


Most great Network Marketing sponsors have done some things to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN, instead of waiting for something to happen as many mlm distributors do.

Making something happen is the number one trait of all MLM Super Recruiters, and that is what this test is about. To see where you are as far as positioning yourself to make something happen everday, with a few tactics that have proven to produce millions in volume.

The Network Marketing Recruiting Score.

Score yourself 1-5 on each question. 1 being "rarely done" and 5 being "always done" and then 2-4 being somewhere in the middle. When you finish, add your score up.

The top score is a 35. That is HOT!

If you score that, you are positioned for MASSIVE MLM Recruiting Success. A score of 30 is good, but needs a little work. A score of 25 is fair, and a score of 20 or below is "you have some SERIOUS work to do!"

See where you are with each question:

1) Do you take brochures with you wherever you go?

This is a tactic that produced millions in volume. It gives you an excuse to talk to someone, it reminds you to talk to folks, and also is a confidence builder as you let the brochure be your silent presenter if the occasion arises.

2) Do you engage 2 new conversations a day with 2 new people for the first time?

2 conversations a day should be the minimum you do as far as recruiting. There are so many people out there to talk to, and talking to 2 everyday should be a cakewalk.

3) Do you list the 2 people everyday that you plan on calling?

This is a million dollar habit. Make a list every weekend of the 2 people you plan on talking to on Monday, Tuesday, etc. Then call them on that day. this gives you direction, and a plan to make something happen.

4) Do you hand out 2 tools a day for new exposures?

Tools help bridge the gap between inexperience and experience. Tools also are totally duplicable and say the same thing every time. Plus it FOCUSES you to make something happen that is easy and brief.

5) Do you do a minimum of 2 three ways a day?

Three ways are the single greatest tool you have in recruiting, and you should learn to MASTER them. If you are not doing three way calling, then you are working this business handicapped.

6) Do you make it a point to see and be aware of who is around you wherever you are?

The easiest way to turn your Recruiting Radar on, is everywhere you go, carry either a brochure or cd with you. This will not only PROMPT you to be more aware of who is around you, but also give you an excuse to give it to someone. This will help you develop the habit of being AWARE of who is in your Recruiting Environment.

7) Do you carry product -- or information/free trial about your services -- that you market in your car?

MLM Millionaires I have found all have product in the car all the time in case they run into the "right one." And if you market services and not tangible products, many folks I know carry with them a way to show how their service works, or a tool that does. It is called show and tell.


How did you turn out?

Did you pass the Recruiting Test?

35 is Excellent.
30 is Good.
25 is Fair.
22 or below is Poor.

Take a look at what you need work on, and see if you can get yourself in a better position to recruit, and tell your story to people. The higher the score you have, the better positioned action wise and psychologically you are to create Success in MLM.

You also need to understand that every question and tactic is a PROMPTER that prompts you to DO SOMETHING in the marketplace, and if you continue to do those things, they will become million dollar habits.

Put yourself in the mind set and position to MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN, instead of waiting for something to happen, like so many do in MLM and Network Marketing Recruiting.

Blessings...doug (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

PassionFire Intl

Network Marketing Success Training

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

MLM Blogs- The Daily Success Activity of the MLM Millionaire

Network Marketing Success-Working the MLM Millionaire Daily Numbers."

by Doug Firebaugh


Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? We interviewed a lot of them for this Network Marketing research project, and found some interesting stats on how they perceive, and work "the numbers" in MLM.

Most people have a fantasy about becoming a millionaire in network marketing, but that's all it truly is. Jjust a fantasy that lays in the mind of folks that most never even try to engage.

As one number one earner said:

"The difference in me and most is that my Vision for becoming a millionaire was so crystal clear, and I didn't drive it, it drove me. It was something that was a calling almost, and it was never a fantasy, but a fanatical urging that wouldn't go away."

Hmmm.Fanatical Urging, that wouldn't go away. He said that it simply became a PASSION in his life. THAT is a CLUE to what it takes to become a big success in MLM.

Most see a fantasy, not a fanatic. As another number one earner said, "If people would get as excited about their company as they do a football game, they would be rich within 3 years."

Excitement in MLM.


If you are more excited about a football game than your business, you will fumble in MLM eventually.

Another top earner said, "It's amazing how people yell at baseball or softball games, and then become strangely silent about their future, as if someone else was determining it."

The sad part, someone else usually is.

What was surprising is the perception with some folks that Millionaires in MLM got "lucky," and found the right people who did the work. In rare instances that is true, but most millionaires I chatted with had a differing perspective on that, as well as the activity level that needs to be done when recruiting.

The most astonishing fact we found was that MLM Millionaires were "reality based" in understanding the TRUE numbers it takes for massive success, as most folks are Fantasy based. They think they can make 20 phone calls and get rich.

One top earner said," All I knew was I had to talk to 1000 people. That was what I was told to do. So I was on a mission to do that, and it ended up over 3000."

Now she says, "I do what I want when I want, for how long I want with my kids. It is a miracle!"

Here is a breakdown of what we found in the activity of the average, Successful,, and millionaire distributor: (from over 1400 responses and interviews)

(All numbers part time. The millionaire numbers are what they averaged when they were part time. THAT will open your eyes!!!!!)

The Numbers of The MLM Study on Success.

Hours worked a week: Average: 6 Successful: 12 Millionaire: 25

Phone dials a day: Average: 5 Successful: 15 Millionaire: 50

People talked to a day: Average: 1 Successful: 7 Millionaire: 15

3 ways a day: Average: 1 Successful: 5 Millionaire: 15

Presentations a week:(phone-face to face) Average: 2 Successful: 8 Millionaires: 20

Leads collected a week: Average: 2 Successful: 20 Millionaires: 50

Follow-ups a day: Average: 1 Successful:4 Millionaire: 10

Sales a week Average: 1 Successful:3 Millionaires: 7

No's gotten in a week: Average: 2 Successful: 10 Millionaires: 25

Conference calls with guests weekly: Average: 0 Successful:2 Millionaires: 5

Number of applications weekly: Average: 0 Successful: 1 Millionaire: 4

The Part Time MLM Millioniare Activity Level.

As you can see, the part time millionaire activity level was as high as most full timers.

As you can see, activity with millionaires is much more intense that the average or even successful distributor. And in recruiting, the numbers worked were so much more.

How is your activity level? Are you close to even the "successful?"

May I suggest you be.....


Your future lies within that answer in MLM and Network Marketing!

blessings.. doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl http://www.passionfire.com

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