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Thursday, June 30, 2005

MLM Blogs for MLM Success- MLM Opportunities- 7 Things You Need to Find Out

MLM Opportunities- The Top 7 Things You Ask and Find Out About in an MLM Company
Doug Firebaugh

So, you have decided to jump into the Network Marketing Industry, and join a reputable company. Great Move! It will open up doors in your life that you never knew existed, and the personal development you will experience will be amazing.

But you may be thinking- what do I look for? What should I be asking? What should I be trying to find out?

The first thing you need to do, is ask yourself a question. "What type of product would I like to market? A tangible product, like vitamins or skin care? Or would I like a more intangible product like internet malls or legal services?" Once you decide that, you can have a direction to look towards and decide on.

Then you can start looking at MLM companies and doing some research. Research is KEY to finding out about Network Marketing Companies and what they have to offer. Start looking and researching on the internet, and also call your Better Business Bureau, and see if there have been any complaints about that company.

The questions you should be asking are these:

1) How long has the company been doing business?

Many start up companies will not be around next year. Most MLM companies after three years are gone. If you are looking at a start up company, make sure they are well funded, and have good management to get it through the rough spots typical of MLM start ups. As a general rule, 3 years in business should be a minimum of considering a company.

2) What is the reputation of the owners and management?

Many great companies that could have been superstar companies are no longer around because of the decisions the owners made. This is true of real estate companies, mortgage companies, and any other entreprenurial ventures. Check the owners out. Ask questions, and do some research on them as well. What kind of reputation do they REALLY have? You will be glad you did if they have a past of possible questionable integrity.

3) Do they pay their checks on time?

Find out if they have missed paying any paychecks. If they have, this is NOT a good sign, and I would suggest to look at another company. This one has some problems you may not want to be a part of in the future.

4) Are people making money?

How many people are truly making money? Many times, hype can blind the truth. Do some research and find out if it is easy to make money with their pay plan, and if a lot of folks are. If many people are, that is a good sign. If it is a start up, and not many are making a lot of money yet, see what kind of compensation plan they have, and if it is "distributor friendly." If it seems hard to make money with the plan, then you have some thinking to do. It should be easy to make money in MLM.

5) What kind of market is out there for their products and services?

Here is a litmus test question for products: Would you buy these products outside of Network Marketing? If you would, you have a good product possibility, and probably a great market for it. If you would not, then you need to see what the true size of the marketplace is for the line of products. And, also, how many other like products are already out in the marketplace? Make sure that the market for the products is big, and available for you to market.

6) What kind of training and tools do they have?

Do their tools look professional? Does the website look like a professional website? Do their brochures, cds, and videos look and sound professional? If you are going to market products using these tools, make sure that they are of the quality that you can be proud of, and readily hand out. What kind training materials do they have? When are the trainings? Do they hold training events? Are there training conference calls and webcasts? Make sure you will have a training path to walk when you join a Network Marketing company.

7) Can you talk to some of the successful folks in the company?

You can tell a lot when looking at MLM companies, by talking to some folks who are successful. Do they try and hype you or honestly interested in your questions? Do they talk about themselves and all they have accomplished or what you can accomplish? Do they answer your questions, or dance around them? This will tell you a lot about what kind of people this MLM company attracts, and what kind of culture that it has in the distributor field. Talk to at least three to five people. That will give you some feel for the company.

These are some of the things you need to consider when looking at Network Marketing companies. Do your homework, and don't make a totally emotional decision. Do your research.

Here is a million dollar question:

What does your gut tell you about an MLM company? Listen to it. It is usually right, and probably is right on about what you are considering for a Network Marketing opportunity.


PassionFire Intl

MLM and Network Success Training

(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

The MLM Success Training Letter- The HEAT

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

MLM Blogs- The MLM Objection

MLM Network Marketing Training- The Psychology of MLM Objections
Doug Firebaugh

The downline group I was honored to help lead was a great team, and we had a lot of great talent in it.

But the one thing we all understood was this:


The lack of understanding about Objections in MLM will create more objections.

You see, objections are just part of this business. Plain and simple. As gasoline is to a car, or kerosene is to a fire, objections are to our business.

An objection is nothing more than a catalyst, or a map, to make something happen with your business, or accept that nothing will happen because of the objection. That is up to you, and solely up to you.

And lets be real:

No one really likes objections in Network Marketing. At least that is what the paradigm is for the MLM Industry. But for whatever reason, we never are taught how to truly handle objections, only endure them.

We were all taught to embrace them, and not fear them, as they were a clue to what was going on with the prospect, and what was to be said next.

You must understand this: All objections in MLM from a psychological standpoint stem from 1 of 2 things:

1) Natural Defense Mechanisms.

2) Lack of Perceived Value.

And usually the defense mechanism kicks in when lack of Value is felt, although some defense mechanisms are from past experiences.

How can you create an environment to lessen the natural defense mechanisms that kick in with a lot of people?

That is simple. Create a sense of "ownership" with your MLM prospect with your business.


1) Sincerely asking their input and thoughts on how to improve what you are doing, and take notes.

2) Edify their accomplishments and transfer that feeling to your presentation.

3) Say, "I don't know whether this is for you or not, it may not be. But I simply wanted to share some ideas and maybe get your insights."

4) "All I want is what is right for you and your family, and this may not be a fit. But if it is, I truly don't want you to miss it."

What people contribute to,(ideas, insights, etc), and feel their values are honored, that will lessen any objections, as they have taken part ownership in your success.


People will be more attracted to something they contribute to and add to, then what is just "presented" to them.

How do you create what we call a Massive Value Perception?

That is simple.

LISTEN to what they say when you ask this question:

"I want to ask you a serious question. If there was One Thing you could change for the better in your life, what would that be? And how would your life change because of it?"

Then again, LISTEN to what they are telling you because they are giving you Value CLUES to what is important and VALUED in their life. And there is a part of their desires and dreams that is not being honored and fulfilled in their life, and they want to change it.


Wrap your recruiting around that value statement.

"If there was honestly a way, that I could help you obtain that in your life, would that be something you at least would want to be made aware of?"

And what you have done is put yourself in a "Value Posture" that will be felt through your recruiting process. Whatever process you use, People MUST perceive value, and a POSTURE of value if you are to create a Minimum Objection environment. And when you do get objections, you can relate them back to the value posture that tels them that you want what is best for them.

Another great question is:

"How will not having the money you desire impact your family?"

"Again...if we could figure out a solution to obtaining what you want, then we can still create the positive change you want in your life for your family. Would that be something you would like?"

Continue a Value Posture, and keep it focused on what they want to change and enlarge in their life, and assure them they can.

There are many ways to neutralize objections. But understand: People will never object to someone truly, honestly, and with their best interest at heart, helping them to obtain what is valued or missing in their life.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Training
Network Marketing Training
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

MLM Blogs- FAST Success is better then Slow MLM Success

MLM Network Marketing Training -The Secrets of Working Network Marketing FAST!
Doug Firebaugh

I had an upline once tell me, who by the way, has done 6 BILLION in this industry, that you need to work your business fast, not slow, and rapidly, not timidly. And if you did this one thing, your Network Marketing business would become easier. It would start to build some momentum, and build some real Power within it.

I listened to him, and went to work speeding up my efforts and focus, and increase the speed of everything I did. I did not become a maniac, but did put more activitiy in an hour than I used to. I wanted to build a better and bigger business. And besides, I had not done 6 Billion in volume, and he had!

You know, he was SO right! My business started increasing and building quicker, and it actually became easier to work like he said it would.

If you work this MLM business fast, and put the pedal to the metal, it becomes easier and more rewarding. For whatever reason, the results you get also improve a lot.


I have found there are Three Major Reasons for Working Network Marketing Fast:

1) The right people have a tendency to show up if you work this business fast and the wrong people have a tendency to show up if you work this business slow.

That is so true.

Because when you work this MLM business fast, you exude a certain energy that attracts the right people, and also they can see that you are someone that really wants to get things done.

People have a tendency to be attracted to higher energy people, and when you display that energy, it does act like a magnet and draw people towards you at a quicker pace, and in everything you do.

2) You have a tendency to be more focused, more determined, and more serious.

People who are determined, focused, and serious, do not play with this business. They are like a heat seeking missile -- dead on to the target and won't be denied. Working MLM slow has little appeal to them.

Focus is a key element for Success in a home business, and when you become more focused, it has a tendency to build your determination, and seriousness of your efforts. It will require focus for you to put more activity in an hour, as well as determination to keep you focused.

3) Your thinking and mindset changes.

When you kick it into overdrive, and do more activity in a day than most do in a week, you will find your whole perspective on this business changes.

And you will realize what it really takes to succeed massively in MLM, and life itself.

Will it be FAST MLM or Slow for you?

Will it be Fast Network Marketing or Slow for you?

Are you now working FAST or slow?

The word FAST in MLM stands for:

"Fuel Accelerating Success Track"

Truly, working this business fast is a Success Fuel for your life!

The word Slow stands for:

"Stagnation (and) Losing Over-power Winning"...

It seems that Stagnation and Losing many times become too strong of a resisting force to Win at MLM, when you work slow.

Yes, you can succeed at network marketing working it slow, but most of the millionaires I have met(including my former upline's success and mine) in the industry have worked it in overdrive, to fight and overcome stagnation and losing in the long run.

What is your choice???

May I suggest you work MLM FAST -- and get on the fast lane of Success in Network Marketing!

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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MLM Trainers Blog

Monday, June 27, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Prospecting- The 7 Things You Look for in an MLM lead

MLM Network Marketing Training -MLM Prospects - The 7 Key Traits to the Best Potential Ones
Doug Firebaugh

MLM Prospecting.

It never fails. Time and time again. Over and Over. Just like clockwork. You can almost predict it.

How many times have we been talking to someone, and they sign up, and we get all excited--and we wait. And we wait. And we wait. And then we wait some more, for them to show any true interest in this business. And then we keep waiting till we get discouraged.

Sound familiar? What went wrong? How did we blow it? We spent all that time to recruit them and they don't do SQUAT! What happened?


Sometimes we are more interested in recruiting someone than actually qualifying them to see if they really have a chance of success in MLM. Have you ever done that?


You cannot PUSH a ROPE. "That dog ain't gonna hunt" is a saying we have here in Dallas. Some "dogs" simply never get off the porch when it comes to taking action in their life!

So what do you do? How can you at least maximize your odds for finding the people who will be "More Likely" to be serious about this MLM business than not? Good Question!

I had the honor of being in the Financial Services industry before I discovered network marketing, and was blessed with being the only person in the history of the agency (92 years) to ever win a fast start award that the company had. I worked hard, and many long hours. But was shown an amazing secret to defining the right prospects that made a HUGE difference in my success. (Financial Service reps are GREAT prospects for this business!)

But a multi-million dollar earner in investments gave me what we call the "7 Star Formula" that defined who was more likely to do business with you than not, and I stuck to it and it worked.
I brought it into the MLM business with me and lo and behold it worked great! And I have also seen it in other places in the industry, so I know it has gotten some play in the marketplace. I cannot remember who authored it, but it's HOT!

Here it is:

The "7 Star Formula" is the 7 key Traits for the best Potential MLM Prospects you look for in a prospect. It can tell you a lot of how this person will work this business.


There is NO sure fire formula for this, as the secret to success in this business lies within the HEART. But it will help save you a lot of time that you might have wasted with the "Not Likely" people.

When you are recruiting folks look for these 7 things--and each one is worth 1 star:

1) 25 years or older.

2) Married.

3) Has a child.

4) Has a fulltime job.

5) Has a Bank Account.

6) Owns a Home.

7) Can afford to invest a little money in their business.

OK--Why these particular 7 things? Because they show 3 things:

1) Solidity in their life

2) Obligation to the future

3) Strong Reasons to do better in Life


You are looking for the 5's, 6's, and 7's. But if they are talking to a 2 or a 3, well, that is your call, as there are broke people who have come into this industry and done amazing things. But they are the exception. Odds are they won't do a whole lot in Network Marketing.

If someone is 25 or older, it has been proven that they have taken MLM more seriously as a future. Yes, I know there are exceptions, and the Gen X folks are doing this business, but they are around 25 and up anyway.

If they are married, have kids, are working, own a home, and have a bank account, it shows they are MATURE enough to do this MLM business and RESPONSIBLE. These are KEY traits to succesful folks in a home business.

Rate each prospect you have with this formula and work first with the ones who are 5-6-7 on the scale, and then call the others. You must call all the folks you know, as they will at least be willing to help you in some way. But understand--there are Potential STARS on your list. You now know how to Define the "More Likely" that will be really serious about this business. Plus you now know who will be "Less likely" to be interested as well.

Your names you have on your list is your inventory, and you build your equity in your group with those names. Make sure you choose the inventory "More Likely" to build equity and success in your group, instead of ending up with total frustration and discouragement -- in MLM Prospecting.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Sunday, June 26, 2005

MLM Blogs- The 5 C's of MLM Recruiting

MLM Network Marketing Training- MLM Recruiting: The PassionFire Research Project On MLM Recruiting - The 5 C's


That project is finally finished! And what would it be worth to you to have a LOT of answers to what is working in network marketing recruiting today? A LOT!

We did a 14 month study on what makes successful MLM recruiters tick, how they recruit, what they do, what they think, what they don't do, when they recruit, when they don't, and many other situations and traits and tactics that are working out in the marketplace.

Many folks we chatted with were very open to the questions. A few were "too important-too successful" to do anything like this. Yeah, right. It's called massive ego.

But a lot of the million dollar earners that we chatted with were great with their time and answers, and most truly wanted to be a part of this survey.

Their were some interesting findings, and some were shockers, but the education was staggering we got from it. And it really opened my eyes to a lot of talent out in the industry. We will start with what we call the "5 C's" of a great Network marketing Recruiter.

All Million Dollar earners had the 5 C's and also thought that it was impossible to succeed in MLM without them.

What are they?

The 5 C's of MLM Recruiting.

1)"Conviction". Every MLM Millionaire I chatted with had an incredible Conviction for their Product, Program, and Path they were taking. They were flat maniacs about what they were doing.(CLUE!!!!!)

They knew that they knew that they knew they had the best company and product out in the field. And it was felt in their recruiting.

They had such a strong Conviction that negative Responses were a sign of stupidity. And one top earner said,"I don't have patience to work with stupid people. I'm glad they told me NO."

Now THAT"S a Paradigm shift! And the Conviction also was about other things in their life, what they went after. They blazed the trail and set it OnFire!

At PassionFire, we call it OnFire Passion! The Passion to make something happen no matter what, no matter what is said, done, or not done. A Passion that is so Hot that it is consuming.(CLUE!!!!)

How is your Conviction and Passion for what you are doing when you recruit.? As One top earner said, "If you cannot get passionate about what you are doing in MLM, then you must be passionate about mediocrity."

Well said....

2) "Communication".The Millionaires I interviewed all had one thing in common: They were ALL Master Communicators! They had an uncanny ability to get their message across and also to be FELT! They had a Power in their Communication and a Power in their Words.

Their Focus was always the OTHER PERSON. And they kept the conversation flowing in that direction, always focused on the other person and what they wanted. Yes, there were some exceptions, whose ego demanded center stage, but again, they were the exceptions.

They also Communicated more FREQUENTLY then the most, as they talked to a whole lot more people. And they were very friendly in their Communication, and personable, and well liked. As one top earner said,"We get paid to talk to people. If you mess that up, your check is Toast!"

AMEN! You need to become a Master Communicator. If you do, you will have Mastered your paycheck!

3) "Consistency". The people we interviewed, ALL were day at a time, brick at a time consistent. Day in, Day out they worked their business. They worked methodically, relentlessly, absolutely. They had a Plan they followed and a Road map to where they were going, in writing.

They worked when they didn't FEEL LIKE WORKING, and worked when they had planned on it. The Millionaires I interviewed said that it was the one at a time day at a time focus that built their MLM business and they couldn't ask their people to do what they were not doing.

They also said that Consistency helped them get through the inevitable rough periods of this business, and also sharpened their skills dramatically.

4) "Connection...." The top earners again, all had one thing in common: They CONNECTED to people in a powerful way. They all focused on finding a commonality to whom they were talking to. They all wanted to get the person smiling quickly, and often. They asked about the person and what was important to them, and then Connected to that value or dream.

They spent a large portion of the time simply becoming their prospects Friend. (MAJOR CLUE!) And then driving that Connection deeper and more powerful. As one number one earner said, "All we want to do is befriend the prospect. It is easier to recruit a friend then a stranger."

And also, they all had a DEEPER CONNECTION to the Company's vision and values then the average distributor. They were not JUST a distributor, but a PARTNER to the MLM vision, and that made them MAGNETIC!!!!!

5) "Caring.." The earners I interviewed all had a sense of caring and Compassion about them. Again, there were a few exceptions, but not many. All had a focus of helping people and empowering them, and caring about what was best for the person. As one top earner said,"If you don't care, neither will the prospect." AMEN!

Caring was a trait that most whom was interviewed viewed as a necessity, not an option. And the few who only cared about their paycheck, most of them averaged almost 50% less in their check then those who cred about the prospect more than their check. (CLUE!!!!)

Many said that people can feel your caring, and are attracted to that. And they can also feel your selfishness, and are repelled by that. Caring was a BASE trait that all said was a HUGE factor in their Success.

What do you care about.....Paycheck...or people?

What's Best...or what's for you?

What is the right thing, or what you think is the right thing for your paycheck?

Your answers to those point to your destiny in this Network Marketing industry.

These are the "5 C's" of Master MLM Recruiting that was found in the PassionFire Recruiting Project....

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Friday, June 24, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM REcruiting- The Top 10 Methods for Finding Prospects

You gotta have people to talk to in MLM Prospecting!


You drive by more people in a week than you could possibly recruit in a year!
So - here is the question:
Do you have enough folks to talk to?
If not - READ ON!!!!

These tactics are what we have found to be extremely effective in creating leads and consistent people to call on. There are hundreds of ways to Prospect. These are just a few to get you started and on your way. Take one which appeals to you and start immediately.

1) 'People that care about you.'

A warm or Hot market is a great place to start. But ask yourself a question:
Who really cares about my success and future? Start there and ask for their help.
You will be surprised how caring and emotions can be of benefit to you. If they do care about you- they will listen to you and try to help.

2) 'People you truly care about.'

Who do you truly care about and want to see have a great life? Start there.
Your compassion and caring will come through and impact in a positive way.
People liked to be thought of, and this is a way to make that happen, and also to
show your feelings towards their future and Life.

3) 'People that you know that care about the same things. '

Who has a commonality with you in caring for the same things? Maybe in a club or church, or an association. You have already established that you have something in common that matters to you both. And your business would be a great way to expand that relationship.

4) 'Follow your Dollar.'

Who do you do business with? Who do give money to on a regular basis?
Whether it is shopping or getting something repaired or simply paying to have something done, that is who you want to target. Who did you buy your car from? Who sells you your clothing and groceries?
Follow your dollar. There is a gold mine their in contacts and potential sales. They may be hesitant about joining you , but ask for referrals. They owe them to you

5)'The Goldmine on your desk.'

Most folks have some form of a Rolodex or card case on their desk, or in their planner. But most have a listing of who they have gathered cards from. Even in their palm pilot. Most Business owners have a great Rolodex but less than 10% of the cards produce revenues for them.
Turn your or their Rolodex into a Goldmine that produces a secondary revenue source for them, by contacting the cards in the rolodex, and increase the value of their contacts.
'What percentage of your rolodex is currently producing you any type of revenue source?
2%? 5%?
If there was a way to increase that to 15-20% - would you want to know about it?'

6) 'Referrals.'

This business is not for everyone, but everyone knows someone who it is for.
Ask. And it really depends on how you ask, that determines the response.' Obviously this isn't for you, but if you were me, who would be the first 2 people you would call to share this with? And then call them. "Hello Mary? My name is Doug, and I promised Tom I would give you a call to share an idea he thought you would enjoy.'

7) 'Business owners you know or someone else knows them.'

Business owners, especially small business owners are always looking for ways to increase value to their employees, and to increase the bottom line to their company. A lot of business owners have found Network Marketing to be a great secondary profit center for their business. And they all have associations they belong to with other business owners. A good way to prospect them is to ask for their advice on Marketing and their help. Don't forget the Goldmine on their desk.

8)'Stay at Home moms.'

One of the fastest growing sectors in MLM is the stay at home mom. Many women professionals are starting to leave their jobs and careers to spend time with their family. Values seem to be changing, and with that comes a great opportunity to help them reclaim the income they lost and they already have proven themselves in the workforce.
And over 70% of all networkers - are women.

9) 'Chamber of Commerce.'

Every city has a Chamber and most are all business minded which means a goldmine for sales and referrals, and even some distributors. Join your chamber or at least attend some functions and get a listing of members.
And here is an INFERNO Secret to recruit: Establish a relationship and ask for their help, and refer business to them.

10) 'Civic/Charitable organizations.'

Join a Civic group to first make a difference in your city, not just to network. And become known as a go getter and helper, and as you do these things, ask for people's referrals. And maybe a time you could let them try your products. But understand - FIRST make a difference in the group, and then you will have a better chance of making a difference with them with your business.


Become a Master Networker. Get a book/tape on Networking and how to do it. The secret is not who you know - but WHO KNOWS YOU.
Networking is an art. And if you Master it, you will never run out of leads or folks who want to help you.

Networking is about bringing value to others First - then let them bring value to you.

doug Firebaugh

PassionFire Intl
© 2005/ PFI All rights reserved

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Leadership- PersonaLeadership is the Secret

MLM Network Marketing Training -The PersonaLeadership Secret
Doug Firebaugh

The MLM Leadership Secret.

Let me ask you a question...

What do you do to get yourself going in the morning for your MLM and Network Marketing business??

Coffee? excercise? Shower? Doesn't really matter...

Odds are you have been doing it for years, and have gotten quite good at it.

You have been displaying MLM PersonaLeadership(sm)in your life,and it has proven to get you to where you need to go every morning. Do you realize that it can also get you to where you want to go in this business as well?

Thee 3 Types of Leadership in MLM.

1) Personal

2) Formal (group)

3) MLM Mentoring

MLM PersonaLeadership is the KEY to your success in Network marketing, as it builds your other Leadership skills as you go.


If you cannot Lead you, you cannot lead others.

There 3 things that you must develop in your MLM PersonaLeadership quest.

1) The Disclipline to start

2) The Conviction to continue

3) The Resolve to Complete.

Most rarely get past numbers 1 and 2.

MLM PersonaLeadership requires you to START everyday the process of this business...and you MUST know THE MAGNET that pulls you and propels you past the starting line.


What you want MLM to bring into your life...your Why.

MLM PersonaLeadership requires you to Continue through adversity and hardships.

This is where most PersonaLeadership jumps ship.

Never to return.

And PersonaLeadership requires you to Complete what you started.

The Will to Win....The Passion to Produce...the Fire to Forge on....till done.

You do this everyday....with your Life Skills you have developed...you can do the same thing with your MLM skills...


One baby step at a time.

We call it"Divide and Conquer".....

Divide your Daily business routine into baby steps and then with your PersonaLeadership you have already come to master, Start, Continue and Complete...with Discipline, Conviction, and Resolve.

Network Marketing is a course on PersonaLeadership. It introduces YOU to the REAL YOU. Work on Leading yourself...step by step, baby success by baby success....and understand: it's the small personal daily tasks that you do in your business that create the HUGE results everyone longs for...

This business is built with the small,routine tasks...done consistently...through the Incredible Power of PersonaLeadership.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

MLM Blogs- The Top 10 Realities of MLM leads

MLM Leads-The Top 10 Realities You MUST Know About MLM Leads.

Doug Firebaugh

What is an MLM Lead? And why would you need an MLM lead to work? In Network Marketing, many times we run out of warm market, or we simply do not have many friends in an area. MLM leads help you to find people that are interested in a Network Marketing Home Business. They have called in either off of an ad, or maybe off of an internet site, and indicated they have an interest in a home based business.

After having worked MLM Leads for 8 years, and made over 50,000 phone calls, there are some things that you need to know. MLM leads are a great way to work MLM, but there are 10 things you need realize about MLM Leads. They can be a GOLD MINE, or an empty shaft. You must learn the difference.

1) They are NOT a guaranteed Sale or Recruit.

Just because they have indicated an interest, does not mean they are a done deal. They are simply many times “kicking tires” and checking to see what is out there. Make sure you know that they are serious about looking at your company.

2) They many times are NOT truly willing to change their life.

What a lead says, and what a lead does are 2 different things many times. You must be aware that they may change their mind once they realize they have to change some things in their life. Many people are apathetic. Move on when they show you this.

3) An MLM Lead is usually very skeptical and guarded.

This is normal. Many people who you will call, will want to get to know you first, and then take a serious look at your offer. Develop the relationship, for that is what will develop the Success.

4) An MLM lead is NOT a source of future Volume. Only a POTENTIAL Source.

The potential of an MLM lead can be HUGE, or nothing. That is why that you call them. There may be a gold mine waiting to be dug in that lead, or it may end up being a pile of dirt as far as potential. You must understand that. You qualify them and then make your decision if they are worth pursuing.

5) There are many leads that have been burned before with other MLM companies.

Many MLM leads you call have had a home business before, but got burned from dishonest people. They carry that “hurt” into your conversation, and you must be sensitive to it. Let them tell you about it, and you listen. You will be surprised at the good that can do for them, and you. They will respect your willingness to listen, and care.

6) An MLM Lead IS looking for something, but you must find out what that something is.

You MUST find what the lead is looking for. Financial Security? Recognition? Training? Personal Development? Freedom? Pay for kid’s college? To quit their job? All of these are possibilities, and you must zero in on what they are looking for. Once you discover it, help them obtain it with your company.

7) An MLM Lead is human, and has Dreams just like you.

One of the great things about MLM leads as they are human, and most want a better life for themselves and family. They have dreams, and goals. You just talk to them about their dreams, and their desires and hope for their life. Make their dream a priority in your initial conversation. You will be surprised at their response to your interest in helping them achieve their Dreams.

8) An MLM Lead can, and will, lead you on, and then disappear.

I call it the “ADP.” The Amazing Disappearing Prospect. Many leads you call, will try and lead you on because they appear to want to be chased and that makes them feel important. Do NOT chase them. If they disappear, let them go. There are more leads out there than you can count. Go to the next one.

9) An MLM Lead CAN make you rich.

You read that right. There are many folks that have been called, and recruited, and have exploded into the industry. But you MUST be persistent in working the numbers. They WILL show up, if you simply let them. Don’t give up, because they WILL show up if you persist. And potential wealth is waiting on that list of leads you have.

10) It is NOT a working the Numbers game, but EFFECTIVELY working the numbers with MLM Leads.

Many people have called a lot of MLM leads, and they have never hit it big. Why? Lack of effective impact on the prospect. Working the numbers effectively is focusing on the lead, getting to know them, finding out what they are looking for, understanding they may not be truly interested, and caring more about what is right for them, then what is right for your paycheck. If you keep that focus, you will win HUGE with MLM Leads.

Here is a BONUS Reality- It is NOT the MLM Lead as much as what you DO with it.

How can one person call 100 leads and get nothing, and another call the same lead list and recruit 10 people? It is what you DO with the lead, not what you just say. Focus on what they want, and not what you want. Be their friend, and care more about THEIR paycheck than yours. Show them you can help transform their life, and future.

MLM leads are a great way to find incredible people, if you understand the realities of what you are dealing with. It is fun making new friends, and many can become friends for life. That is the Real Power of Network Marketing, and MLM Leads.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

MLM Blogs- A Solid Success Foundation

"A Successful Man is One Who Can Lay a Firm Foundation from the Bricks Others Have Thrown at Him."
David Brinkley/ News Anchor/Journalist

There are Bricks thrown at MLM.

There are Bricks thrown at US!

The Bricks of...







Kingdom Builders.





All are bricks that sometime in your life will be thrown at you, and there is nothing you can do about it...

It's gonna happen....

If you are on the Road to MLM and Direct Sales Success...

People who are not... will try to pull you off... Distract you. Interrupt you.

Sabotage you.

Simple and Plain.

You have a Choice in Success in MLM. Either let them. Or STOP them.

Don't let them.......if you do...

Welcome to their World.

Of Mediocrity...

Of Failure....

Of Excuses.

Of Existing.

You can either use the bricks to lay a stronger MLM Success Path that you will travel to Direct sales and home business Success....

Or use them to build the House of Mediocrity they all have built.....and live their lives in....





But remember..

The hardest brick there is..is the Brick of MLM Truth.

That Brick says- Success belongs to you! You DESERVE IT! You OWN It!

They never throw that Brick...

Never will.

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

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MLM Trainers BLOG

Friday, June 17, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Success Secrets to a SuccessFire

"An MLM Success Fire cannot be started without something being flammable."
Doug Firebaugh

In other words, you must become "Success Flammable".

You must have a Passion and a Flame of Hunger burning within you when you begin your MLM Journey.

You MUST want Success in MLM so bad, that you refuse to live your life without it.


You will do whatever you must do to make it happen.

It does not matter. You want it that bad. THAT is Success Flammability!

Why do people fail so much in Network Marketing? They are doused with the water of:




the Past,

and Lack of Confidence.

No wonder they fail...

If you truly want to succeed, then you must IGNITE something inside, and let it burn…

The word IGNITE stands for :

"Inner Greatness Now Initiating Total Empowerment".

There is GREATNESS inside of you!!!!!!

If you understood the Greatness inside of you, you would be totallly stunned! There is a potential that is waiting to be UNLEASHED on an unsuspecting world! You have a FIRE of Success in you jsut willing to burn down every obstacle in your life!

There are thoughts in your mind that are waiting to catch FIRE and set your future ABLAZE! You need to IGNITE those thoughts and let them burn in your heart and mind to the point of where you become CONSUMED with a FIRE of MLM success!

The most powerful part of you is just waiting to catch FIRE and you must be the spark that lights it up!

With HOPE!




The fuse is LIT! It is waiting on you to pour some Success Kerosense on it!

Ignite the most flammable thing you have in your heart and mind...

The Picture of what you TRULY want your life to be, and start small fires everywhere you go...

Fires of Hope and Possibilities within others, and watch your life catch FIRE till it consumes you, and transforms you into the WINNER you really are in MLM and Network Marketing!!!!

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved

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The MLM Trainers Blog

Thursday, June 16, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Success- Why Do People Not Embrace Change?

MLM Network Marketing Training-MLM Success- Why Do People Resist Change?
Doug Firebaugh

The MLM Rule of Life.

Here is a sad rule of life that we all in Network Marketing must accept:

"Most people resist change in their life."

You will find this out quickly in MLM.


Mainly, when change has entered a person's life in the past, it usually came in the form of a loss, not a gain.

It carried with it Pain, not Pleasure. And most people equate change to something negative, verses positive.

Change then becomes "Chains" that people carry around with them, because they are "Chained" to the Past, to How things are, to Fears, Doubts, and Insecurities, and they are too heavy to carry around with you in Network Marketing...

And they have a tendency to resist any growth at all in their life, because they are afraid that it will produce Pain, or create a Loss... which does not make any sense... because Growth is a FORWARD function, not a backward one...

The People Who Resist Change in Network Marketing.

Folks who resist change...

Usually work for someone else...

Usually end up with less in life...

Usually make excuses, not money...

Usually look for things to NOT work...

Usually complain more than those who don't resist...

Usually see less of the world...

Usually are less inclined to join things...

And Usually are more negative than those who don't resist...

People who resist Change let "Life Happen" to them, verses " Happen to Life". It may even be subconscious, but it is there.

The Two Most Powerful words in MLM.

In Network Marketing, you must change their negative picture of change by asking the Two Most Powerful Words in MLM:

"What If?"...

"What if it DID work? How would your life change?"

"What if I am right, and you could live the life you truly want?"

"What if you did succeed... how would your life be improved by it?"

And if they are still resistant to change, sell them the products, and get some referrals, and move on.

Don't let Your business end up in Chains, due to people who won't Change...!!


doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter- The MLM Success HEAT

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

MLM Blogs- The 2 MASTER Basics You MUST Master in MLM

"You must know and master the 2 MASTER BASICS of MLM and Network Marketing."

Here is truly a MILLION Dollar Question:

What is a Basic?

It is the Simple and Most Fundamental Action you can engage in Network Marketing...

And engaging a basic will always be what a distributor needs to do to succeed... but the approach to the basics can change, but the basics never will...

There are only 2 Master Basics to MLM, and you must know what they are, and how to do them. If you do that, then your success in MLM will be more likely to show up, than not...

Ok... what are the Master Basics in Network Marketing that you need to learn and Master?

You must learn and master:

How to Work the Business.

How to work with People.


There are no other Income Producing Basics in MLM...

How to work this Business is what I call "Process Training"...

Learning how to do the Process of:

-Getting a Distributor Started




-Following Up, and

-Getting the Decision... (better known as Closing)...

These are what drive this business, and will always be the "catalyzers" that make this work.

How to work with People deals in Leadership...

And it is a "Power Building" training... where you are Building the Power in your people as well as yourself... through Exercises that stretch your people, as well as yourself.

You must learn the basics of what makes this business go, and how to do those things EFFECTIVELY...

And then you must learn how to inspire, train, build, and empower people as well as build Leaders.

Those two things drive this industry and success within it.

How to work this business is Transaction focused...

And how to work with people is Transformation focused.

Master those two basics, and you will get rich in MLM, providing you engage them in your business.


Doug Firebaugh

(c) 2005/ all rights reserved doug@powerfire.com

PassionFire Intl

MLM Leadership

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MLM Trainers Blog

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Success- The Hidden Power of VALUE

"MLM Success- It's all about VALUE. Period."
Doug Firebaugh

There is ONE Word in Network Marketing that prospects seem to be glued to when they are listening to a presentation, or even an approach about anything. It is the standard that all prospects measure anything they are looking at... and they are considering purchasing...

The word is VALUE.

Remember this Success Formula...

"No VALUE = No Volume."

Volume will RARELY if EVER precede Value, and if it does, most of the time, it will not work out long term. Value is a part of our culture, and we must show value to the prospect in our Company, Products, and Comp Plan.

No Value... No Volume baby.

Let me ask you a question: Would you buy a house that you saw no value in?

How about a car?

How about a thousand dollar suit?

Would you even buy a pair of shoes that you saw no value in?

I didn't think so…

Neither would I.

And no one is going to be recruited or buy an MLM product that they see no value in for their life and future. It's ALL about Value.

People want to know what's in it for them. They want to know there is value for their lifestyle. Value in the Company, Products, and Value in YOU.

Give the prospect REASONS and BENEFITS to enroll in your Network Marketing company, or buy your product. What does your products do that bring Value to a person? What does your Business have that will bring Value to a person? What do YOU have that will bring value to working with you?

Remember: No Value... No Volume.

NO Exceptions.

God bless you,

Doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c),m2005/ all rights reserved

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Newsletter- The MLM Success HEAT

Monday, June 13, 2005

MLM Blogs- FREE 7 Day e-course on MLM Power Recruiting!

How would you like to receive a FREE 7 day e-course on MLM Power Recruiting?

You can!!! It's from Doug Firebaugh of PassionFire Intl!


The Secrets of Prospecting!

The Secrets of a HOT Presentation!

The Power of the Reconnect!

How to Recruit Anyone through Conversation!

All you have to do is go to:

FREE MLM Power Recruiting e-course

Simply then fill out the subscription box on the page- and you will start receiving the the Power Course immediately!

It's HOT!!!! It's FREE!!! And It will SET YOUR RECRUITING ONFIRE!!!!

PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter- The MLM Success HEAT!

MLM BLogs- MLM Success- The SEEDS of HOPE and Change

MLM Network Marketing Training "MLM Success- Know the SEEDS of Change." Doug Firebaugh

The MLM Business you are REALLY In.

In Network Marketing, You are in the business of Change.

That you have learned on this "BLASTFire" Series on "How to Become an MLM FireStarter"...

But we have mentioned 2 things that are the actual SEEDS of Change, and need to be planted every phone call, every email, every conversation, and every communication...

Every plant that grew to 20 feet tall started with seeds.

Every garden started with seeds.

Every forest started with seeds.

Every Field started with seeds.

Every orchard started with seeds.

Every animal started with seeds.

You and I had to have a seed to be conceived.

And in MLM, Change has to have seeds to be planted as well in people's minds and hearts…

The MLM Millionaire.

Every millionaire in this Network Marketing industry has figured that out. But you must also know in success what the seeds of Change are.

If Change were an apple, and you cut it in half, you would see the CORE.

And at the core of the apple, are SEEDS...

They are the seeds of HOPE and POSSIBILITIES.

Those two things are the seeds that you plant in people's minds and heart when recruiting. You deposit the HOPE of an incredible future, and the POSSIBILITY of it happening with you and your company.

SEED stands for:

"Success Exponentially Empowering Deposit"...

Plant those seeds and you will grow quite a bountiful harvest in your MLM and Network Marketing paycheck...


doug Firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
© 2005 PFI / all rights reserved

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MLM Trainers Blog

Sunday, June 12, 2005

MLM Blogs Training- The CORE of MLM Success is the Secret

MLM Success- You MUST know what the Core of Success is in Network Marketing." DF

What is a CORE?

It is the VERY Heart of something... the VERY Center... the VERY Essence of something...

You have a Core... it is called the Heart... and a the Core of that lies Life itself, because if your heart stops beating... you are dead...

Most of the time, when the Core of something is inoperable, then the very thing itself ceases to function and thrive...

It is the same with this business... because what is at the very CORE of our Network Marketing business, makes it go... makes it thrive, and makes it IGNITE!!!!!

And if you let the CORE of this business go unused and inactive, so your business will become.

That is how a Nuclear Core operates... if the Core is not tapped into and used, it's Power is useless for the most part, as it is not operating on full capacity...

Many people in MLM never operate on full capacity…

Full capacity means "Full Throttle"... and at the Most it can be...

Is that how you are working your business?

What does CORE stand for?

"Consistency Of RELENTLESS Effort."

And that is at the core of MLM. You MUST be very consistent as that is what your business is driven by, and must be relentless as well.

You know what relentless really is?

Consistency on heavy duty SUCCESS STEROIDS!

Be relentless at your efforts and your actions, as without action... nothing happens. And without consistency, nothing short term happens.

Without being relentless. nothing long term happens. And you need to be Long Term Focused!!

God bless you,

Doug Firebaugh
(c) 2005/ all rights reserved
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter-PF HEAT

Friday, June 10, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Success- The Biggest Principle for People

MLM Network Marketing Training -MLM Success- The Biggest People Principle
The Deepest Principle of Human Nature is to be appreciated....." William James

MLM Praise.

Can go a long way in creating what you want to happen with people that you work with, socialize with, or even are family with...it's powerful....

Here is a little known Network Marketing secret....

Most people wake up every morning feeling that they are not truly appreciated, and what they do is taken for granted.

Sound familiar?

Are you aware that according to a recent study in psychology, that it's only getting worse...not better?

It is impossible for someone to become successful in MLM and a Home Business life without someone cheering them on, and believing in them somewhere, sometime in their life...

But the sad part is....

Most never get any kind of praise, and never have, in their home business life....

And the Hunger for recognition and praise increases...Daily....

Start becoming an MLM "Praise Factory"
..and start finding great things in small and insignificant tasks...

Start saying," Wow! You are great at this!"or,"Wow! You really look nice today!"or," You know....I really do appreciate all you do, I just wanted to let you know...'

And if you are hungry for praise and for being affirmed...you become an MLM "Praise Factory"...


When you praise someone, it is planting a seed...Not in that person's heart...but yours....because every time you praise someone in Network marketing, somehow in ways we will never understand, it comes back into your life in the form of increased strength, power, and confidence... the elements needed for MLM success in life...

The seed you planted with words in their heart... takes root in your own....

And a "Praise factory" magnetizes you to MLM Success in ways we will never comprehend...

But it does happen....

Praise has almost a "Force" to it that when engaged, it can bring to your life the things you hunger for...by giving to others what they hunger for....

The Power of PRAISE in MLM.

What does Praise stand for?

Power Releasing And Increasing Success Energy....Did you get that?????

Become a "Praise Factory"...go out of your way 5 times a day to touch someone's heart..and let them feel appreciated..

And the Power you release in your life by simply doing that small thing....

Will bring some HUGE things back into your own life and Network Marketing business...

You'll find out....


PassionFire Intl

MLM Leadership

Subscribe to the MLM Network Marketing Training Letter- PF HEAT

MLM Trainers Blog

Thursday, June 09, 2005

MLM Blogs- Retail to Recruit to Massive Success

Retail To Recruit

Hey Guys! HOT Article!!! DF

We're all aware of how difficult it is to find business builders.

To me a business builder is one who wants to start their own business and not do it as a hobby. They want to have all the advantages of having their own business.

This can be tough...Even with the best recruiting techniques.

For me one of the better ways to find business builders is to Retail to Recruit.

Personally I think your MLM business should be made up of 75% retail customers and 25% business builders.


Having more retail customers ordering from you week after week, month after month, year after year creates that residual income we all want. Plus you now have an army of customers that are spreading the word about your products. People will talk more freely about products that are doing well for them, then they will about a business opportunity.

In one case people feel they are sharing, in the other they feel like they are selling (guess which one?).

When people talk about products they're sharing an experience, when they're talking about a business opportunity they feel like they're selling. It' a shame really you should feel the same way about both.

Anyway in my company we make great money with retail sales and business builders. But It's easier to find retail customers than business builders, plus your income is generated faster. (of course that depends on your pay plan, for example I get paid every week with ours).

Let me ask you a question.

Do you think it's easier to introduce the idea to someone who is in love with your product/service they can have their own business or to someone who has never tried your product or service?

Kinda of a dumb question, because I know you know the answer.

Once someone has been using you product for about 30 days or so. And before I go on I trust you have been in contact with your customer to see how he/she likes using your product. More importantly have they used your product at all.

You would be surprised at how many people will buy a product and not use it.

If you do come across someone who has not used your product don't say "WHY NOT".

Tell a story.

For example, lets say you sell product XYZ and you called a customer and they have not use it yet.

Me.. "Hi Bob, this is Duffy how do you like XYZ?"

Bob.. "Oh I have not tried it yet it's still in the box, no time to busy"

Me.. "I can relate to that Bob. When I first started taking XYZ I started noticing a difference after only 3 days, I could fall asleep faster and I woke up more refreshed and with more energy and I am getting the same feedback from my other customers as well. I'll give you a call in few days and see how you're doing. Talk to you then, have a great night."

I did not challenge him, I accepted his excuse and I went on to tell him a story of how XYZ has helped me. Do you think he is going to leave your product in the box for one more day...I doubt it.

But even if he does, just keep telling stories of the things XYZ is doing for you and others.

However, if your customer has not tried your product after 2 or 3 phone calls (5 or 7 days). Personally I would offer them a refund. With that the customer will either say no and try your product, or they will accept your offer. If so, great, either way it's a win-win.

Ok, it's been 30 days or so since your customer has been using your product and they love it, what now?

The next time you talk to a customer you can say something like this:

According to my records, it's time for you to reorder. How would you like to save up to $10 off your next purchase? For every name you give me of someone I can send a brochure to, I'll give you $1 off up to $10. Is that fair?


If they are internet customers you would be offering them a $10 rebate after they place their next order. The above is for local customers that you are personally delivering your product to.

This is a great way to get warm leads.

Then you take a flyer or brochure and put a yellow sticky note on it and say Hi "Sally" Mary Jones has been taking this product and feels great and thought you might be interested. Your name, your address your phone number.

Then, after you mail the info to the referrals, you call them in a few days. And say:

Hi Sally. This is Your Name, You don't know me but Mary Jones asked that I send you a brochure. Did you get that brochure? Listen, our product is helping a lot of people around the country--it's helped Mary.

The product is less than a dollar and a half a day and it's got 100% money back guarantee. Would you like to try it or do you know anyone who'd like to try it?

I used what it costs to use my product each day for the above example, replace that with the break down of your products cost per day.

Now it's been about 2 months after your original customers first purchase. Depending on your products user rate you may have talked to them as little as 2 times, but that's ok.

Now say something like this:

Hello _______ How are you doing?

Have you experienced any additional positive results with your product?

Listen, I can't offer you a discount this time. "4" of the people of the "10" names you gave me are on the product and they're loving the product. They're going to reorder the product. Would you like to supply them and make the profit or would you rather I supply them?

If they say they would like to earn the profit, show them your presentation.

You're retailing to recruit.

Until next time.

To Your MLM Success
Duffy Rogan

presented by PassionFire Intl

PassionFire Intro
MLM leadership

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

MLM Blogs- MLM Success- What's REALLY The Secret?

What REALLY is the Secret to MLM Success?
Doug Firebaugh

After 22 years in this industry, 14 years fulltime in MLM, and 7 years training...you learn some things. Sometimes they are NOT what you want to learn, but yet, you must learn. The road has been an interesting one, and a blessing in disguise. There have been so many people that I have watched come and go in Network Marketing, and many disillusioned. You may know some as well.

Success is something that we all seek, and want for our lives.

Success in Finances.

Success in Health.

Success in Spiritual Values- (I HOPE you want that!)

Success in Career.

Success in all you engage.

Success in Relationships...

The list goes on and on. But so many in MLM never find their pot of gold. They end up finding a pot of sludge. That is typical today in MLM, because they have broken a very important Law in Network Marketing. This Law is one that MUST be adhered to, and if you don't you will fail in your home business.

Ok...what is that Law?

The Law of Connection.

That is it. Simple but Powerful. ALL millionaires in MLM have had something that the others have not. ALL millionaires in MLM have done something that most don't do.

Many people say they have "their heart" in the business. That is NOT good enough.

Many people have said "I come from the heart." That is NOT good enough.

Many people have said that they "put their heart" in everything they do in MLM." That isn't even close to enough.

Here is the Secret....

Your Heart MUST be CONNECTED to the Industry, Company, and Products, in a way that you are NOT just in the business. You MUST be walking in a 'Heart Destiny" and nothing will, or can stop you. No exceptions.

The most powerful computer in the world cannot run, if not CONNECTED to the Power that brings it Voltage to turn it on for the tasks it does.

The most spacious house in the world cannot be what it is supposed to be without the Voltage that it needs to stay warm and comforatble in the winter, and cool in summer. Let alone what the TV requires or personal computer.

It requires CONNECTION to the "the juice." That is why you MUST have the right heart connection. It contains the JUICE and Voltage you need to Succeed.

The moment that MLM is not longer just something that 'you do", but becomes a part of who you are, everything changes.

I call it "The Shift."

You whole world shifts into a Power and Focus that can only be a product of the heart. Many people have said that this business is about mindset.

I disagree.

It is about Heart Set. We say that you must have the right "Heart Condition."

Is your Heart REALLY connected to the Success Potentail in MLM? Is it REALLY connected to the vision of your company? Is it REALLY connected to your products and services?

Those that CONNECT are connecting to the True Power of Success, and everything shifts after that.

People will start responding to you in a more positive manner.

People will stop being so negative with you, due to the New Presence you have in MLM.

People will pay closer attention to your words, as they sense the importance of what you are saying.

People will be magnetized to listen more intently..Yes there is a major Shift in everything with a powerful Heart Connection...It ALL shifts...

Including your paycheck.

The stronger and deeper the connection is....the more zeroes are in your paycheck!

CONNECTION- Most never will. But those that do....

Get Rich.

All wealth is a by product of a Strong Heart Connection to something, no matter what is it. You are driven to Succeed. You do what you normally would not be willing to do. You go at a pace that you never have before.

And you find a Passion you never knew existed.

The CONNECTION unleashes that Passion in all you do, and no longer are you willing to settle for mediocrity and average. No longer are you willing to settle....period.

Now you know The Secret.

Do you have the right Heart Condition and Connection?

If you do....

Success is at your daily beckoning.

(c) 2005/ all rights reserved
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership

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MLM Blogs- 10 Reasons for Working for ONLY You

Here are 10 Reasons Why You Should Work for Yourself In MLM
Doug Firebaugh

Reason # 10:
You'll spend 90,000 hours of your life working for
someone else so you'll get a gold watch and a really
cool part-time job at Wal-Mart as a greeter.

Reason # 9:
Working about 40 hours a week, you'll spend 2,000
hours a year working for your employer. In exchange
you'll get 80 hours of vacation time absolutely FREE!

Reason # 8:
It's been a rough day. You're home relaxing, watching
"America's Most Wanted" on TV and, to your horror, you
realize the babysitter you leave your precious
children with every day is on the FBI Top Ten Most
Wanted list!

Reason #7:
You get up when you don't want to, drive someplace you
don't want to go, and make a living working with
people you really don't like.

Reason # 6:
Would you be wearing something different if they
didn't tell you how to dress?

Reason # 5:
Your company may think it's really cool to let you go.
"Newsweek" Magazine says firing people has gotten to
be trendy in corporate America.

Reason # 4:
Asking for time off is too much like asking your
parents for permission.

Reason # 3:
Good News. You've survived the downsizing. The bad
news is that you have to go home and tell the family
you're being transferred to Bangladesh.

Reason # 2:
Elephants work for peanuts - why should you? Shouldn't
you be paid what you're really worth?

Reason # 1:
Yes, the Number 1 reason why working for someone else
is just scary: this is America and you don't have
to! Yes, America is still the land of great
opportunity but it's just not in the same place you're
used to looking.

You know, people who work half as
hard as you do, and are earning great part-time
incomes, taking dream vacations and even making
fistfuls of money. What's your excuse for not building
your own successful Network Marketing business?

What have you got to lose except a BOSS?

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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

MLM Blogs Training- 5 Secrets to Better Web Copy

Five Ways to Improve Your Web Copy Immediately
by Jonathan Kranz

Article from MarketingProfs.com
June 7, 2005

In the literary world, "good writing" may be notoriously difficult to define. But on the Web, good copy has two clear, easily understood objectives:

It elevates your search engine rankings.
It attracts qualified traffic and holds the attention of your prospects and customers.
If yours is an e-commerce site, your copy must also assume a third role as a virtual salesperson capable of closing the deal.

On the Web, your words carry a lot of weight. Fortunately, you can build verbal muscle, fast. Following are five tips, hints, and suggestions you can apply right now, with a minimum of time or technical hassle, to dramatically improve the effectiveness of your website writing.

1. Write informative, keyword-rich hyperlinks

Text hyperlinks enjoy a privileged status on the Internet. Search engine spiders value the text within them more highly than ordinary body copy. More important, they're virtual tour guides for your visitors: Good links direct your readers to the destinations they seek. But when they're poorly composed, your readers may overlook important content or be misdirected to irrelevant pages.

Why be stingy with words? There's no penalty for length, so make your text links as informative as possible. Instead of click here for more information, load your link with appropriate keywords that tell readers what they can expect upon arrival, such as compare laser printer prices, features and print speeds or download Whiff & Poof's top 10 life science stock picks for the upcoming quarter.

2. Use headlines and subheads

Headlines attract attention, whet the reader's appetite and encourage investigation of subsequent text. Subheads break long blocks of text into smaller, less-intimidating pieces, and they provide a content summary to the large number of readers who will scan your text. They're standard features of articles and brochures, yet remain underused on the Web—where they have an additional advantage: The formatting devices used to distinguish heads and subheads, such as bold print, italics, or a larger font size, give them added weight with search engines.

A page about graduate degrees for educators, for example, might lead with the following headline: "Weekend certificate programs for working K-12 teachers." The subsequent subheads would not only interrupt the monotony of long copy but also communicate the most important elements of the story at a glance: "Finish your degree in just 14 months," "We'll bring the courses to your school," and "Enroll online in minutes."

3. Include alternate spellings

Many common word and phrases, such as email (e-mail) and Web sites (websites) have legitimate alternate spellings. In the traditional print world, this ambiguity is tackled by consistency—you pick one spelling and stick to it.

But on the Web, this is a rule you should break. Since you cannot control the spelling a searcher may use, anticipate them all. If you provide a "business to business" service, you'll want to express the phrase in its common aliases, including "business-to-business," "B-to-B," and "B2B." (Just as there are exceptions to rules, there are exceptions to breaking them: If your site's reputation rests on editorial quality, you may want to sacrifice some search engine optimization by sticking to consistent spellings and maintaining the integrity of your brand identity.)

4. Become ruthlessly specific

Print out your Web pages—or the drafts of the Web pages you intend to post—and grab a yellow highlighter. Mark every phrase that reeks of broad abstraction ("enterprise process solutions"), vague promises ("exceeding customer expectations") and empty boasting ("best in class services.")

Now take a look at your page. Good copy should have very few, if any, streaks of yellow. Bad copy will look like a field of dandelions. Pull the weeds. Replace all the yellow copy with specific promises, facts, benefits, features and other pieces of concrete evidence that can support your causes and claims.

You might transform the previous parenthetical examples thus: "enterprise process solutions" becomes "browser-based manufacturing and inventory control"; "exceeding customer expectations" becomes "a 30% decrease in material waste in just 60 days, guaranteed"; and "best in class services" becomes "recognized as the industry standard by the Institute for Chemical Forensics."

5. Learn from your Web stats

Chances are, the provider that hosts your Web site, or the internal IT people who monitor your servers, create thorough daily reports of your site traffic. Sadly, too few writers have access to these reports, or, if they do, they don't take advantage of it.

These Web stats contain a wealth of information of enormous practical value, including...

Referrer data: The source pages of links that were used to access your pages. Some of these will be search engines, of course. But others will be blogs and other content-rich sites. Consider this data as a clue to the kinds of copy and information that attracts attention—and encourages others to build links to your site.
Search queries, search words: The keywords people used that led them to your site. Read these carefully; you'll find search terms you'll want to apply more liberally in your Web copy. (Conversely, you'll discover that words you thought were important fail to show up—which means they're not being used to find you.)
Request report: A ranking of your files/pages by requests (popularity). Look here to see which content really pulls (and should be expanded) and which fall flat (and may be candidates for deletion.)
And one final suggestion...

Consider your Web site content an evolving work in progress, rather than a one-shot project that requires monumental effort and is then otherwise abandoned. Unlike printed materials, Web pages may be revised quickly and inexpensively. New content can be created, published and assessed within days (sometimes even hours), so it pays to experiment. Apply the preceding writing tips, then watch the Web stats for the results.

To paraphrase the instructions on shampoo bottles, "Revise, review, repeat."

Johnathan Kranz

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MLM Blogs- The Fool in MLM and Network Marketing

"Are you fooling Yourself in MLM and Network Marketing?"

by Doug Firebaugh

Are you fooling yourself into believing that you actually are working this business?

Many distributors practice what I call "Pretend Power". That is where you are actually "empowered" by pretending you are doing this business.

You pretend you are working.

You pretend you are making phone calls.

You pretend you are going to appointments.

You pretend you are doing presentations.

You pretend you are recruiting.

You pretend...pretend...and then pretend some more...

HEY! Been there and done that! I nearly pretended myself right out of MLM! I know what that is like and the frustration that comes with it!

You believe you are working it. You believe you are going to be successful.

You believe also in fairy tales...

It's called MLM delusion.

WAKE UP!!!!!!!

You cannot pretend your way into success in MLM.

You MUST make the phone calls.

You MUST talk to people.

You MUST do the presentations.

You MUST engage the basics of this business to have any type of basic Success in MLM.

If you are not talking to at least 2 new people daily, following up on at least 2 people daily, and not collecting at least 2 new leads a day and making 2 sales a week....

You are pretending to be in this network marketing business.

And I will even go as far as to say that if you are not recruiting at least one person every other month, you are pretending to work your Network Marketing business.

And then, all that will produce is a "Pretend Paycheck".

You can pretend it's there, and pretend to spend it, and pretend to pay your bills with it. THAT will go over with your creditors..(smile).....

If you think about it....

The last word in Pretend is END.

If you want to bring your Network Marketing business to a quick end....

Stay in Pretendsville, located in the great state of Wishful Thinking.



doug firebaugh
PassionFire Intl
MLM Leadership
(c) 2005/all rights reserved

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Monday, June 06, 2005

MLM Blogs for MLM Training- 5 Ways to Mess Up BAD in MLM

5 Sure Ways To Fail In Network Marketing by Kathy Riley
.....And 3 to really slow you down!

When I opened up my emails this morning I had email after email, as I am sure you did with things to purchase to make me a success in Network Marketing!

Enough Already! People promising me the best leads, the best e-book, the best course, the best lead generating site. And we spend dollar after dollar trying to become successful in Network Marketing. Those of you who have been with me for a while have read training emails from me that tell you to be careful who you are following. We have some wonderful trainers in our industry. And if your not on their MLM newsletters, you should be. I am not talking about them. They are proven, a 5% person....... not a 95% person who is failing. Be careful who you are taking direction from.

I actually want to disclose some secrets to you today. How many of you look at all those successful people in Network Marketing and compare yourself to them? To their success, what they have........ you look at them with envy! Well, don't! For every truly successful person and their are a lot of them, their is one who you might look at as successful, but is he really?

What I have found in our industry, is that Network Marketing is a truly small industry. We all know the wonderful trainers, teachers, mentors........ we hear their names over and over again. I bow down to them, I admire them, I honor them in every way. The time and effort they put into making this a better place to be........... is amazing.

Then we have the ones who say how wonderful they are......... they keep telling us over and over again how great they are! What they have done, how much money they make! Do you hear those comments from the great ones! Think about it guys! Don't get hooked on MLM hype.

Get hooked on facts!

For example I let other people do the talking for me. The current edition of Upline Magazine, says, and I quote: Kathy Riley was a nine-time Network Marketing failure, about to give it up for good yet again, when a fundamental shift in her own approach made her a winner - only two months into her tenth company!"

Or Jan Ruhe, author of "Nuts and Bolts" wrote.........

"Kathy Riley will be a valued asset to my new book on Presentations. I am honored to have her in my book!"

Don't get suckered into buying something that sounds wonderful and tells you "This is it!" Quit wasting all your hard earned dollars. Only buy from reliable and recommended people and companies. If your not sure, ask your upline or ask me, I will tell you.

Here is another thing to watch out for! This was a lesson that cost me about $5,000.

I was with my old MLM company. The upline biggy in my line sold little blue books that we mailed out to lists we bought from her. She became a millionaire mailing out these books ........ at least that is what we were told. She encouraged us to mail between 2,000-5,000 of these books each month.

So, let me recap this lesson. First we had to pay her to register to be in this program, then we bought the books from her along with her mailing lists.......... Hmmmmmmm!

Now add in time and labor....... and don't forget the postage!

Who do you think was really making the money here! But I, like hundreds of others in her downline, wanted success and thought this was the way to do it. Come to find out later, she made as much off selling worthless dreams to her downline as she did from the company. Be cautious of a upline who tries to sell you something every time they open their mouths. Especially if it is their own stuff!

If you have a upline trying to charge you for anything that they should be giving you FREE as a great upline ............ maybe you should reevaluate that persons intentions. Wouldn't it be to their best interests to help you by giving you what you need FREE to succeed. Remember, they have no success without your success!

The beauty of MLM Network Marketing is your upline will make money off you, as you will off your downline. It's called a residual and comes every month in a form of a check from the company. So they are making money, the right way, the ethical way. Be very, very careful of this type of upline.

They DO NOT have your best interest at heart.

Why, you ask am I saying those things to you?

When you compare yourself to someone like that, and you feel inferior to them because you haven't accomplished what they have......... who is getting hurt here? Why allow yourself to feel less than you are, because your comparing yourself to someone who is less than he/she says they are! We have enough negative emotions we deal with in our life that is real....... why deal with false ones!

You have all heard me say "Get out of the EMOTION of Network Marketing and get into the BUSINESS of Network Marketing". What I actually mean is think and make decisions about your business from a business standpoint. But, Network Marketing is an emotion. An emotion of wanting more for yourselves and families.

I hear people tell me all the time about how they can't make it no matter how hard they try. I was one of those people. For 15 years with 9 different companies I failed.

The last company I was with for 2 1/2 years, I actually lost the most money with them. They are actually everything I now teach people to run away from. I had always enrolled with companies because I liked my sponsor or believed in the hype the company sold to us.

When people ask me if I don't feel bad because of all the money I lost and all the companies I failed at. My response is always......... absolutely not! Because if I hadn't gone thru all of those failures with all those companies........ how would I ever relate and teach you guys now. Those MLM failures made me who I am today.

I put up thousands of signs on poles, handed out millions of flyers and pitched my friends and family until they threatened to hang me. NONE OF THAT WORKS! Why do people tell us to do it? They ignore the signs, throw away the flyers and our friends left us and our family wanted to!

For everyone reading this email now that is contemplating quitting our industry, let me tell you right now. I was quitting this industry AGAIN, as I had 9 times before, when I found my current company. This was the person who was failing just 2 week prior. I broke records in my company going to the highest position in the company within 2 months. Coming in without an existing downline!

You owe it to yourself NOT to QUIT! You will always wonder........ what if! What if I had tried one more time?

What would have happened if I had walked away that last time and didn't try one last time? I would have never know success and I wouldn't be writing to you know. Think about it! Scares me when I think of how close I came to quitting.

So what if you had a person who was willing to help you with finding your success? What if you had a upline who has a 80% retention rate in an industry that is usually 20%

So what if you had a upline who has a 1 in 50 ratio of people in her downline reaching a top position. Instead of the 1 in 1,000 ratio like everyone else.

What if you had a upline who gave you FREE content, autoresponder letters, web site, a lead generating program totally turn key. Both on line and off line. Then followed it up with support conference calls for not only you, but your prospects!

So what if you had a trainer willing to mentor to you FREE and teach you the ends and outs of success in our industry. To accept you into her FREE 90 day mentoring program.

And more importantly......... What if you let this slip thru your fingers. What if she can actually do what she says?

What's that worth to jump start you and put you ahead 3-5 years in your Network Marketing career?

How much will you lose in income over the next 5 years?

How much income could you be making?

$5,000 per year? $10,000 per year? What's loss of income from your organization really costing you? How much further ahead of your goals would you be?

How much sooner could you quit your J-O-B with my help!

I ask you... where will you be this time next year?

More importantly......... where do you WANT to be this next year?

Are you willing to give me 90 days? Just 90 days of a total commitment to help you achieve your success.

And be totally coachable and willing to forget everything you think you know about Network Marketing, but didn't work!

About the Author:
Kathy Riley 208-772-1780 - PST
Copyright @ KRP Enterprises 7/2001

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